Power Electronics

Welcome to the website of the Power Electronics (PE) group. We are located on the second floor of the Carré building on the campus of the University of Twente. The group is part of the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics & Computer Science (EEMCS)

Power electronics is nowadays found in almost every system where electricity is used for computing, communication, renewable energy harvesting and transportation. It is a key technology for improving energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.

Many of our projects involve integrating power electronic converters in systems dealing with modelling and optimizing the interaction between the components; such as   batteries, solar cells, electrical machines and electromechanical actuators. Working as an engineer in real life you will often have to solve problems related to  power quality, electromagnetic compatibility and  overheating  while tuning the system for best performance.

Our research focuses is on battery electronics, conducted and radiated electromagnetic interference and power electronic packaging as well as on physical layer of communication systems. One special theme of the program is small solar systems with battery storage to provide off-grid electric services to 3 billion people living in energy poverty. It is a challenging research field because it not only requires innovative and reliable technology, but the solutions need to be sustainable from a socio-economical point of view.