A main award of 4.6 million euros within the nine Perspectief programs will go to the research on light conduction by UT professor Willem Vos (TNW). In addition, UT is a partner in three other Perspective programs, including the studies: 'Secure against water extremes', 'A breath of fresh air for COPD patients' and 'A sustainable accessible city, without private cars'.
Nine consortia of researchers, companies, government bodies, and societal organisations have been awarded a total of almost 40 million euros to develop technological innovations targeting societal challenges. Among other things, these Perspectief programmes are focussed on more effective cancer treatments, improved optical characteristics of high-tech devices, and smarter mobility in cities.
Leading by light conduction
Optical coherence; optimal delivery and positioning (OPTIC)
Program leader: Prof. Dr. Willem Vos (University of Twente), TNW Faculty.
Total budget: 4.6 million euros
The newest generation of optical sensors and light sources must be able to conduct many colours of light from source to destination. The OPTIC programme develops innovative optical components, such as lenses and mirrors of arbitrary shape, as well as new methods for modifying the shape of light waves. This technology allows the researchers and collaborating companies to increase the energy efficiency of semiconductor chips (by improving their fabrication accuracy), to increase the light yield of white LED lamps, and to develop highly sensitive satellite sensors that, for example, can help agricultural companies and other companies to determine nitrogen emissions with higher precision.
Secure against water extremes
Future FRM Tech: Future Flood Risk Management Technologies for rivers and coasts
Partner: UT/ET, Prof. Suzanne Hulscher, dr.ir Anouk Bomers and dr. Jord Warmink.
Total budget: 5,8 miljoen euros
Large areas of the Netherlands are at risk of being flooded. It was only last year, 2021, that rivers in the province of Limburg overflowed. A rise in sea levels and weather extremes, caused by climate change, calls for new technical and nature-based solutions for flood risk management and climate adaptation. The Future FRM Tech programme develops flood resilient landscapes for rivers and estuaries as well as technical solutions for water barriers – explicitly addressing any legal, economic and governance aspects that may impede their practical use. Using case studies for the Lek and Geul rivers in the Zeeland province, the programme develops knowledge to ensure successful implementation in practice.
A breath of fresh air for COPD patients
RecovAir: REpairing lung damage via reCOVery of stromal heAlth to restore respIRatory function
Partner: UT, TNW (TechMed), dr. Jeroen Leijten and Professor Jai Prakash
Total budget: 3,8 miljoen euro
Almost 600.000 people in the Netherlands suffer from COPD, a progressive aging-related lung disease that is the number three cause of death worldwide. The RecovAir programme intends to change this by encapsulating medication or stem cells within an ultra-thin hydrogel layer. This allows these compounds to reach deep into the lungs, rather than them being cleared prematurely by the human body. Once there, they will repair or replace the damaged air sacs of the lungs. Ultimately, the programme will reduce overall healthcare costs and increase the quality of life of these COPD patients as well as their participation in society.
A sustainable accessible city, without private cars? (XCARCITY?)
Partner: University of Twente, Faculteit EEMCS.
Total budget: 6 miljoen euro
With housing density increasing, how can we keep our cities accessible? And how can we ensure that everyone can make use of smart, clean mobility solutions such as shared electric bikes? XCARCITY develops digital twins of low-car urban areas, based on measured and simulated mobility data of people and goods. The researchers apply these virtual models to test various scenarios and interventions for addressing specific problems in the cities of Almere, Amsterdam, and Rotterdam. The simulations serve as input for the decision-making process of government agencies, regional developers and transport operators when striving for clean, accessible mobility in their cities.
Perspectief is a programme of the Dutch Research Council (NWO), financed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy (EZK). This year’s budget amounts to 27 million euros, of which 23 million has been contributed by EZK and 4 million by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science. A total of 115 companies, government bodies, and societal organisations are involved, contributing an additional 12 million euros. Over the upcoming years, the total budget supports the research of 106 scientists.