UTFacultiesEEMCSNewsSymposium and Farewell Lecture of Professor Peter Apers

Symposium and Farewell Lecture of Professor Peter Apers

On the occasion of the retirement of professor Peter Apers, the University of Twente organizes a farewell symposium on 16 February. You are cordially invited to attend the symposium. 

Date: 16 February 2018
Symposium/Farewell lecture Professor P.M.G. Apers
EEMCS Faculty

The farewell lecture and symposium will take place in the Van den Kroonenburg - lecture room building Waaier (room 1). The symposium takes place from 13:30-15:15 hrs.

Symposium The Data of the Future  
Data of the Future will not be the same as today’s data. After the first decade of the 21st century in which all information was made digital, and, after the second decade in which anything that could be measured was measured, the digital data of the future have lost their innocence. It was always nice to have information but now things are becoming serious. Profiling customers, calculating probabilities, comparing everything with anything to lay bare cause and effect in order to achieve 10% more turnover, or, 100% more understanding. Regulation of traffic, or water flow, or other dynamic systems to effortlessly save 10% of the operational or societal costs. Data were nice to have but are no longer mostly harmless. They have no fixed abode, no evident owner, no recognised value and insufficient protection. Time for a Symposium: The data of the Future!

  • Speakers

    Harry van Dorenmalen (former chairman IBM Europe): Now it is getting interesting. 

    Wim de Ridder (CEO Futures Studies and em. prof. Future Research University of Twente): The Power of Today’s Data.  

    Inald Lagendijk (distinguished professor Delft University of Technology): Science for data of the future. 

    Dennis Broeders (professor Erasmus University Rotterdam and senior research fellow at the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR)): The sum and its parts: the contested ownership and value of data.

    Aimee van Wynsberghe (Delft University of Technology and President Foundation for responsible robotics): Intimate and interactive relations with robots: the data of the future.

  • Moderator

    Moderator: Arnold Smeulders (em. prof. University of Amsterdam)  

The Farewell Lecture takes place from 16:00-17:00 hrs. The lecture is titled: de Toekomst van Data. 

Would you like to attend the ceremony? Register before 16 February 2018 on this website.

Gift suggestion

Donation to the foundation for refugee students UAF. Account number: IBAN NL41INGB0000076300 with notification INZ-2546.