Michel-Pierre Jansen is a PhD candidate in the Human Media Interaction group. Michel joined the 4TU.H&T project "Smart Social Systems and Spaces for living well" (S4), a collaboration project between the technical Universities that are located in the Netherlands. The research program "Smart Social Systems and Spaces for Living Well" aims to combine knowledge available from different disciplines, such as computer science, psychology, and industrial design, to explore new collaborations and come to innovative developments that facilitate and support human values in an increasingly sociotechnical world. His PhD position is placed under the theme sensing and social signal processing which is closely related to his research interests such as automatic multimodal emotion recognition and models of emotion.
Michel has a study background in clinical-, medical- and neuropsychology at Utrecht University, Tilburg University and the University of Alberta. During and after his studies he gained research experience in different laboratories in- and outside of Europe.
publication list
To be updated soon.