Lorenzo Gatti is a PostDoctoral researcher at the Human Media Interaction group at the university of Twente.
He received his PhD from the University of Trento in April 2018, after having worked on computational creativity systems and sentiment analysis. His current interests include natural language generation, and in particular the automatic production of affective language.
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Investigating the Impact of Code Generation Tools (ChatGPT & Github CoPilot) on Programming Education (2024)In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2024 (pp. 221-229) (International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU - Proceedings; Vol. 2). Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Nizamudeen, F., Gatti, L., Bouali, N. & Ahmed, F. Tagging for Northern Kurdish (2024)In Joint Workshop on Multiword Expressions and Universal Dependencies, MWE-UD 2024 at LREC-COLING 2024 - Workshop Proceedings (pp. 70-80). European Language Resources Association (ELRA). Morad, P., Ahmadi, S. & Gatti, L.
What does a Text Classifier Learn about Morality? An Explainable Method for Cross-Domain Comparison of Moral Rhetoric - code (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Liscio, E., Araque, O., Gatti, L., Constantinescu, I., Jonker, C. M., Kalimeri, K. & Murukannaiah, P. K. does a Text Classifier Learn about Morality? An Explainable Method for Cross-Domain Comparison of Moral Rhetoric - models (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Liscio, E., Araque, O., Gatti, L., Constantinescu, I., Jonker, C. M., Kalimeri, K. & Murukannaiah, P. K. does a Text Classifier Learn about Morality? An Explainable Method for Cross-Domain Comparison of Moral Rhetoric - supplemental material (2023)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. 4TU.Centre for Research Data. Liscio, E., Araque, O., Gatti, L., Constantinescu, I., Jonker, C. M., Kalimeri, K. & Murukannaiah, P. K. the Headlines: Understanding Sentiments and Morals Impacting Female Employment in Spain (2023)[Contribution to conference › Paper] Workshop on Data for the Wellbeing of the Most Vulnerable, DWMV 2023. Araque, O., Barbaglia, L., Berlingieri, F., Colagrossi, M., Gatti, L., Consoli, S., Mauri, C. & Kalimeri, K. an Explainable Method for Comparing Morality Classifiers across Domains (2023)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] Joint International Scientific Conferences on AI and Machine Learning, BNAIC/BeNeLearn 2023. Liscio, E., Araque, O., Gatti, L., Constantinescu, I., Jonker, C. M., Kalimeri, K. & Murukannaiah, P. K. does a Text Classifier Learn about Morality? An Explainable Method for Cross-Domain Comparison of Moral Rhetoric (2023)In Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers) (pp. 14113-14132) (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics; Vol. 1). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Liscio, E., Araque, O., Gatti, L., Constantinescu, I., Jonker, C. M., Kalimeri, K. & Murukannaiah, P. K.
LibertyMFD: A Lexicon to Assess the Moral Foundation of Liberty. (2022)In GoodIT 2022 - Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (pp. 154-160) (ACM International Conference Proceeding Series). Association for Computing Machinery. Araque, O., Gatti, L. & Kalimeri, K. evaluations of automated linguistic creativity (2022)Language resources and evaluation, 56, 451–476. Gatti, L., Stock, O., Strapparava, C. & Özbal, G. a Bilingual Emotion Lexicon Built Through Simple Yet Powerful Techniques (2022)IEEE transactions on affective computing, 13(1), 496-507. Araque, O., Gatti, L., Staiano, J. & Guerini, M.
The Propaganda Machine: Generating Biased Reports about Risk Games (2021)In 3rd IEEE Conference on Games, CoG 2021. Dulfer, R. & Gatti, L. and Computational Linguistic Creativity (2021)In Handbook of Cognitive Mathematics (pp. 1-39). Springer. Gatti, L., Stock, O. & Strapparava, C. introducing the Multilingual Emotional Football Corpus (2021)Language resources and evaluation, 55, 389-430. Braun, N., van der Lee, C., Gatti, L., Goudbeek, M. & Krahmer, E. Language of Liberty (2021)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 30th Web Conference, WWW 2021. Araque, O., Gatti, L. & Kalimeri, K.
Improving Dutch sentiment analysis in Pattern (2020)Computational linguistics in the Netherlands journal, 10, 73-89. Gatti, L. & van Stegeren, J. sentiment analysis (2020)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] 30th Meeting on Computational Linguistics in The Netherlands, CLIN 2020. Gatti, L. & van Stegeren, J.MoralStrength: Exploiting a moral lexicon and embedding similarity for moral foundations prediction (2020)Knowledge-based systems, 191. Article 105184. Araque, O., Gatti, L. & Kalimeri, K.érator - Unveil your inner Pokémon (2020)In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC’20) (pp. 500-503). Geissler, D., Nguyen, E., Theodorakopoulos, D. & Gatti, L.
MoralStrength: Exploiting a moral lexicon and embedding similarity for moral foundations prediction (2019)[Contribution to conference › Poster] 3rd European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science 2019. Araque, O., Gatti, L. & Kalimeri, K.The Multilingual Emotional Football Corpus (MEmoFC) (2019)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. DataverseNL. Braun, N., van der Lee, C., Gatti, L., Goudbeek, M. & Krahmer, E. J.Computer-Supported Human Creativity and Human-Supported Computer Creativity in Language (2019)In Computational Creativity: The Philosophy and Engineering of Autonomously Creative Systems (pp. 237-254) (Computational Synthesis and Creative Systems). Springer. Gatti, L., Özbal, G., Guerini, M., Stock, O. & Strapparava, C.
HAI Alice - An Information-Providing Closed-Domain Dialog Corpus (2018)In Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018) (pp. 2746-2752). Article 429. European Language Resources Association (ELRA). van Waterschoot, J. B., Dubuisson Duplessis, G., Gatti, L., Bruijnes, M. & Heylen, D. K. J. Alice-corpus (2018)[Dataset Types › Dataset]. LREC. van Waterschoot, J. B., Dubuisson Duplessis, G., Gatti, L., Bruijnes, M. & Heylen, D. K. J.Template-based multilingual football reports generation using Wikidata as a knowledge base (2018)In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (pp. 183-188). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). Gatti, L., van der Lee, C. & Theune, M.