Aswin Balasubramaniam is a Ph.D. student at the Human Media Interaction group at the University of Twente.
Aswin obtained a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering Technology (University of Cincinnati, 2019) and an MSc degree in Electrical Engineering (University of Cincinnati, 2020), where his research focussed on utilizing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to aid in the inspection, monitoring, and surveying of infrastructure and construction sites. Interested in the application of technology in sports, he started his Ph.D. at HMI in 2020 working on the sports, data, and interaction project supervised by dr. ir. D. Reidsma, dr. J. Reenalda and, and dr. K. Proksch. The aim of the project to measure sports behavior, model and detect patterns in sports data, and design interaction technology to make sports data useful, and impact sports training. During his Ph.D., Aswin’s main objectives lie in researching, designing, and implementing a system to systematically evoke diagnostically relevant data, provide usable diagnostic feedback from the data, create an interactive setting that offers controlled adapted training programs, and provide empirical validation of the impact on the athlete’s performance.
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