Jelte van Waterschoot is a PhD student at the Human Media Interaction group at the university of Twente.
Jelte van Waterschoot has a bachelor degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Radboud University Nijmegen and a master degree in Artificial Intelligence from the Utrecht University. Furthermore he has completed an internship at TNO involving dynamic task distribution between human firefighters and robots during fire rescue missions (TRADR-project). He started his PhD in the beginning of 2016 on the ARIA-VALUSPA project, working on dialogue management for a virtual agent. His supervisors are prof. dr. D.K.J. Heylen and dr. M. Theune. His main expertise lies in artificial intelligence and linguistics. He wants to develop intelligent agents that can use common-sense reasoning for problem solving, creativity and conversations. Furthermore, he’s interested in participation of the university, as he is member of an advising committee for the faculty.
Dialogue Management
The main project Jelte is working on is ARIA-VALUSPA, where the goal is to facilitate the creation of multi-modal virtual agents for any domain. Specifically, Jelte focusses on the creation of dialogues and interaction between users and agents.
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(Non-) Verbal behavior generation
Together with colleagues Angelo Cafaro and Guillaume Dubuisson Duplessis from ISIR-CNSR, Paris and Lorenzo Gatti from the University of Trento, they work on
- generalizing behavior generation between the dialogue manager of an agent and the behavior realizer of the agent and
- verbal alignment, such that agents can adjust their verbal expressions to how the user talks.
Jelte is involved with some assisting activities for the bachelor Creative Technology and supports the teaching staff with courses involved in natural language processing (NLP), such as Advanced Research Projects in NLP and Conversational Agents.
Jelte is involved with the faculty council since September 2016, focusing on the finance aspect of the faculty, and has organized part of the annual CTIT symposium in October 2016.