UTFacultiesEEMCSEnergy in TwenteAssignmentsFinished AssignmentsModeling the energy usage for heating in a university building

Modeling the energy usage for heating in a university building

Master's assignment

Student: Intan Permatasari
Supervisors: Dr. Ir. A. Molderink, Dr. J. Fink, R.P. van Leeuwen MSc, Prof. Dr. J.L. Hurink and Dr. Ir. G.J.M. Smit
Programme: Sustainable Energy Technology - University of Twente
Finished: August 2014      

The Netherlands government launched the Clean and Efficient: New Energy for Climate Policy program aiming to become one of the most efficient and cleanest energy systems in Europe by the year 2020. The targets are to cut GHG emissions by 30% from 1990 to 2020; to double the rate of yearly energy efficiency improvement to 2% in the coming years; and to reach a 20% share of renewable energy in total primary energy supply (TPES) by 2020 1) . Being part of the government institution, University of Twente participate in pursuing the national goal. This research is to study and model the energy usage for heating and cooling system of a building inside the university, and possible strategies to improve energy efficiency.