UTFacultiesEEMCSEnergy in TwenteAssignmentsFinished AssignmentsProfile steering with step functions as steering signals

Profile steering with step functions as steering signals

Master's assignment

Student: Djorro Bleij  
Supervisors: Thijs van der Klauw and Johann Hurink
Programme: Applied Mathematics - University of Twente
Finished: January 2018 

The amount of electricity transported through the electricity grid is increasing. The main cause is the increase of renewable energy sources and electric vehicles. This causes stress to the network and fluctuating voltage levels. As a solution to this problem the profile steering algorithm was developed. Profile steering aims to steer houses to spread the electricity consumption across the day. This is to avoid problems within the grid. In profile steering a central controller sends steering signals to each house in a neighborhood. This steering signal can be used by each house to schedule electricity consumption. The steering signals however are just the goal of the central controller. They are communicated directly to the houses. This is not preferable because houses can use this to cheat the system. Therefore the steering signals are modified to a +,- and 0 for consuming more, less or the same electricity during each time interval. Each house tries to change their electricity consumption accordingly. The houses with the greatest change in electricity consumption are chosen to carry out their revised plan. These houses are compensated for their change in electricity consumption. This forms a game theoretic problem because every house wants to get this compensation. The goal is to model this game and to optimize the steering signals such that the total electricity consumption is still flattened.