Extended home office scan now available

At utwente.nl/homeoffice you can find more information about the requirements for a healthy workspace at home and at the office. As hybrid working continues to be part of our lives, we have developed a more extensive checklist that focuses not only on practical aspects but also on your personal well-being.

Home office scan
Go to the checklist

The checklist consists of 21 questions divided into 7 categories. Depending on your answer to each question, you will receive a brief on-screen recommendation on what extra equipment you might need and where you can order it. Based on your overall answers, you may also be advised to consult your manager about how you can ensure a healthy and pleasant workplace together.

Completing the checklist is not compulsory but we strongly recommend using it to help you set up your personal workspace in the best possible way, to minimise the risk of developing physical and mental health problems.

If you have any questions, please contact the HSE coordinator at your faculty or service department.