Date: 07 September 2022
Time: 12:45 – 13:15. Hours
Room: RA1501 & online
Speaker: Anne Remke (WWU Münster, UT)
Title: “Optimizing different flavours of nondeterminism in hybrid automata with random clocks”
Stochastic hybrid systems form a powerful model class, which is difficult to analyse accurately due to the flexible combination of stochastic, continuous, and discrete behavior.
Especially the inherent non-determinism is often resolved probabilistically.
In this model class three types of nondeterminism arise naturally: discrete nondeterminism induced by conflicting transitions, time-induced nondeterminism and nondeterminism induced by rectangular rates.
We investigate how to maximize/minimize reachability probabilities for specific classes of stochastic hybrid models (non-)prophetically while taking into account history.
After computing reachable state sets via a forward flow pipe construction, we use a (backwards) refinement to identify optimizing schedulers and compute optimal reachability probabilities via a multi-dimensional integration.