Deadlines exchange students

The application process includes multiple steps, each with its own deadline. On this page, you will find the deadlines per step.

Application deadlines depend solely on your nationality. To check if your nationality qualifies as EEA (European Economic Areas) or non-EEA (visa required), visit the Dutch government website (when your nationality is not on this website, you have a non-EEA nationality).

If you have multiple nationalities, you should provide a valid identity document for at least one nationality. If you also have an EEA nationality next to a non-EEA nationality, you should use the EEA nationality as your first nationality. Note, that your nationality is leading, even if you have a Dutch or European residence permit. For example: if you have a Mexican nationality and hold a Spanish residence permit, your nationality is Mexican (not Spanish).

Deadlines for a non-EEA (VISA) nationality

If you have a non-EEA (visa) nationality, the deadlines below apply.

  • Courses and combi courses & research project

    September intake

    February intake 

    Deadline for partner universities to nominate students in Mobility-Online (UT student exchange system)

    15 April

    15 September 

    Deadline for completing application with all the required documents (except English proficiency test) in Mobility-Online

    1 May

    1 October 

    Deadline for uploading English proficiency test results in Mobility-Online

    7 June

    31 October 

    Deadline for uploading the signed UT Learning Agreement in Mobility-Online

    24 June

    5 November 

    Deadline for completing your application with all the required documents for a visa in Osiris (UT student registration system)

    30 June

    15 November 

  • Research project

    Before arrival

    Deadline for students to register in Mobility-Online (UT student exchange system)

    4 months

    Deadline for completing application with all required documents in Mobility-Online

    3 months

    Deadline for uploading the signed UT Learning Agreement in Mobility-Online

    2.5 months

    Deadline for completing application with all required documents for visa in Osiris (UT student registration system)

    2 months

Deadlines for an EEA nationality

If you have a EEA nationality, the deadlines below apply.

  • Courses and combi courses & research project

    September intake

    February intake

    Deadline for partner universities to nominate students in Mobility-Online (UT student exchange system)

    15 April

    15 September 

    Deadline for completing application with all the required uploads (except English profiency test) in Mobility-Online

    1 June

    15 October 

    Deadline for uploading English profiency test results in Mobility-Online

    7 July

     7 December 

    Deadline for uploading the signed UT Learning Agreement in Mobility-Online

    28 July 

    15 January 

  • Research project

    Before arrival

    Deadline for students to register in Mobility-Online (UT student exchange system)

    4 months

    Deadline for completing application with all required documents in Mobility-Online

    3 months

    Deadline for uploading the signed UT Learning Agreement in Mobility-Online

    2 months