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Modelling and Retrieving Audiovisual Information - A Soccer Video Retrieval System (1998)In Advances in Multimedia Information Systems: 4th International Workshop, MIS’98 Istanbul, Turkey September 24–26, 1998, Proceedings (pp. 161-173) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 1508). Springer. Woudstra, A., Velthausz, D. D., de Poot, H. J. G., Moelaert El-Hadidy, F., Jonker, W., Houtsma, M. A. W., Houtsma, M. A. W., Heller, R. G. & Heemskerk, J. N. H.https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-49651-3_16The Application of TINA in the Mesh Project (1998)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Sinderen, M. J. & Ferreira Pires, L.Architectural concepts for distributed systems specification (1998)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Sinderen, M. J. & Pires, L. F.Practical Experiences with Materialized Views in a Very Large Data Store for Telecommunications Service Management (1998)In Proceedings DEXA 98 (pp. -). Derks, W. L. A. & Jonker, W.Het begrip van de samenwerking (1998)[Book/Report › Inaugural speech]. University of Twente. Jonker, W.Frameworks for protocol implementation (1998)[Book/Report › Report]. Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). de Barros Barbosa, C., Pires, L. F. & van Sinderen, M. J.Frameworks for Protocol Implementation (1998)In 6th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks (SBRC'98) (pp. 385-403). de Barros Barbosa, C., Ferreira Pires, L. & van Sinderen, M.Koppeling Workflow-Systemen Essentieel voor Virtuele Organisaties (1998)Automatisering gids, 1998(29/30), 19-19. Jonker, W. & Grefen, P. W. P. J.Koppeling Workflow-Systemen essentieel voor Virtuele Organisaties (1998)[Book/Report › Report]. Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). Jonker, W. & Grefen, P. W. P. J.The application of TINA in multimedia services for the electronic super highway (1998)[Book/Report › Report]. Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). van Sinderen, M. J. & Pires, L. F.The application of TINA in the MESH project (1998)In Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services: 5th International Workshop, IDMS'98 Oslo, Norway, September 8–11, 1998 Proceedings (pp. 77-82) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 1483). Springer. van Sinderen, M. & Ferreira Pires, L.https://doi.org/10.1007/BFb0055306
Tele-education Process Modelling supported by The ODP Enterprise Viewpoint Language (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). Volman, C. J. A. M., Jones, V. M., van Sinderen, M. J., Widya, I. A. & Michiels, E. F.Tele-education Process Modelling supported by the ODP Enterprise Viewpoint Language (1997)In 1st Int. Workshop on Enterprise Distributed Object Computing (EDOC) (pp. 2-12). IEEE. Jones, V. M., Volman, C. J. A. M., van Sinderen, M. J., Widya, I. A. & Michiels, E. F.https://doi.org/10.1109/EDOC.1997.628341Supporting Telecom Business Processes by means of Workflow Management and Federated Databases (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). Nijenhuis, W., Jonker, W. & Grefen, P.On the role of basic design concepts in behaviour structuring (1997)Computer networks, 1997(29), 413-436. Quartel, D., Ferreira Pires, L., van Sinderen, M. J., Vissers, C. A., Franken, H. M. & Franken, H. M.https://doi.org/10.1016/S0169-7552(97)83471-XSupporting Telecom Business Processes by Means of Workflow Management and Federated Databases (1997)In AMCIS 1997 Proceedings: 3rd AIS Americas Conference on Information Systems (pp. 464-466). AIS. Nijenhuis, W., Jonker, W. & Grefen, P.https://aisel.aisnet.org/amcis1997/256AMBER - Architecturale modelleerbouwdoos voor bedrijfsprocessen: TESTBED WP3/D3.2/V2.0 (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. Teeuw, W. B., van Sinderen, M. J. & Ferreira Pires, L.Developing an SNMP agent protocol entity with object oriented Perl (1997)In Proceedings of the Workshop Reader of the 10th European Conference on Object Oriented Perl (ECOOP'96). D.punkt Verlag. Zwemmer, A., van Hengstum, E. & van Sinderen, M. J.Groupware (1997)In Telematica (pp. 280-288). Samsom Bedrijfsinformatie B.V.. van Sinderen, M. J., ter Hofte, G. H. & van der Lugt, H. J.Introduction to TINA; MESH T0.2/N010/V01 (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. van Sinderen, M. J.Mesh application development methodology: MESH T0.2/N012/V04 (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. Ferreira Pires, L., van Sinderen, M. J. & de Vries, R. G.Mesh session information model: MESH T0.2/N016/V01 (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. van Sinderen, M. J., Ferreira Pires, L. & de Vries, R. G.Methode voor functiegerorienteerde case-uitwerking; TESTBED WP1/N006/V001 (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. Jonkers, H. & van Sinderen, M. J.Netwerkarchitecturen - architectuurconcepten en hun toepassing (1997)In Handboek Telematica, Deel II, Sectie 4005 (pp. 3-15). Samsom Bedrijfsinformatie B.V.. van Sinderen, M. J. & Ferreira Pires, L.Netwerkarchitecturen, architectuurconcepten en hun toepassing (1997)In Handboek Telematica (pp. II 4005:1-15). Samsom Bedrijfsinformatie B.V.. van Sinderen, M. J. & Ferreira Pires, L.Ontwerprichtlijnen voor toepassing van AMBER voor bedrijfsprocesmodellering: TESTBED WP3/D3.3/V0.5 (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Sinderen, M. J. & Franken, H. M.Protocols versus Objects: Can Models for Telecommunications and Distributed Processing Coexist? (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). van Sinderen, M. J. & Ferreira Pires, L.Protocols versus objects: Can models for telecommunications and distributed processing coexist? (1997)In 6th IEEE Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS'98) (pp. 8-13). IEEE. van Sinderen, M. J. & Ferreira Pires, L.https://doi.org/10.1109/FTDCS.1997.644696Relevant standards to MESH (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. de Vries, R. G., Ferreira Pires, L., Moelaert, F., Jones, V. M., Reijs, V., van Sinderen, M. J., Verhoosel, J. P. C. & Widya, I. A.Relevant standards to Mesh: MESH T0.2/N003/V07 (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. de Vries, R. G. & van Sinderen, M. J.Richtlijnen ten behoeve van het modelleren in Testbed: TESTBED WP3/N006/V002 (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Teeuw, W. B. & van Sinderen, M. J.Samenhang van processen; TESTBED WP3/N013/V003 (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. Teeuw, W. B. & van Sinderen, M. J.System architecture for Mesh Release 2; MESH WP0.2/N002/V06 (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Sijben, P. G. A., van Sinderen, M. J., Ferreira Pires, L. & de Vries, R.Tele-education process modeling supported by the ODP viewpoint enterprise language (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). Jones, V. M., van Sinderen, M. J., Widya, I. A., Michiels, E. F. & Volman, C. J. A. M.Telematica: integratie van Telecommunicatie en informatieverwerking (1997)In E.T.S.V. Scintilla Jaarboek '97 (pp. 95-112). University of Twente. van Sinderen, M. J.Validatie van de functiegeorienteerde modelleermethode aan de hand van de PRO-FIT casus; TESTBED WP3/N005/V001 (1997)[Book/Report › Report]. van Sinderen, M. J.
AMBER - Architecturele ModelleerBouwdoos voor Bedrijfsprocessen (1996)[Book/Report › Report]. Telematica Research Center. Ferreira Pires, L., Jonkers, H., Quartel, D., van Sinderen, M. J., Teeuw, W. B. & de Weger, M. K.Applicatielaag (laag 7) (1996)In Handboek Telematica. Article 4170. Samsom Bedrijfsinformatie B.V.. van Sinderen, M. J.Basis voor BPR-modellering (1996)[Book/Report › Report]. Telematica Research Center. Jonkers, H., Quartel, D., van Sinderen, M. J., Teeuw, W. B., Vissers, C. A., de Weger, M. K. & Franken, H. M.Computer supported cooperative work: Samenwerken, ondersteund door groupware (1996)In Handboek Telematica (pp. 14). Samsom Bedrijfsinformatie B.V.. van Sinderen, M. J., ter Hofte, G. H. & van der Lugt, H. J.Deliverable 2.1.1: Middleware Protocol Reference Architecture (MPRA) (1996)[Book/Report › Report]. Platinum Project. van Sinderen, M. J., Chimento, P. F., Ferreira Pires, L. & van der Veen, J. (.Deliverable 2.3.5.: Specification and Design of Platinum Applications (1996)[Book/Report › Report]. Platinum Project. Ferreira Pires, L., Quartel, D., van Sinderen, M. J., Huis in t veld, R. J., van der Waaij, B. D., Widya, I. A. & Ladhani, A. N.Deliverable 2.3.9: Integrated Protocol Reference Architecture (IPRA) (1996)[Book/Report › Report]. Platinum Project. van Sinderen, M. J., Chimento, P. F., Jones, V. M., Ferreira Pires, L. & Widya, I. A.Deliverable 3.7: A taxonomy of models, methods, techniques and tools for application service engineering (1996)[Book/Report › Report]. Platinum Project. Quartel, D., van Sinderen, M. J. & Ferreira Pires, L.Deliverable 3.8: A design methodology for application service engineering (1996)[Book/Report › Report]. Platinum Project. Ferreira Pires, L., Quartel, D. & van Sinderen, M. J.Design of a shared whiteboard component for multimedia conferencing (1996)In Protocols for Multimedia Systems (PROMS 1996) (pp. 1-15). ETSI Telecomunicacion. van Sinderen, M. J., Chimento, P. F., Chimento, P. & Ferreira Pires, L.Design of a Shared Whiteboard Component for Multimedia Conferencing (1996)[Book/Report › Report]. Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). van Sinderen, M. J., Chimento, P. F. & Ferreira Pires, L.
On the design of application protocols (1995)[Thesis › PhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT]. University of Twente. van Sinderen, M. J.https://doi.org/10.3990/1.9789036507301A design model for open distributed processing systems (1995)Computer networks, 27(8), 1263-1285. van Sinderen, M., Ferreira Pires, L., Vissers, C. A. & Katoen, J.-P.https://doi.org/10.1016/0169-7552(94)00031-NDe OSI applicatielaag (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). van Sinderen, M. J.Deliverable 2.1.1-Protocol reference architecture (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Sinderen, M. J., Chimento, P. F., Ferreira Pires, L. & van der Veen, J. (.Deliverable 3.1: General Design Aspects of Telematics Applications (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Ferreira Pires, L., Quartel, D., van Sinderen, M. J., de Weger, M. K. & Franken, H. M.LOTOS specification style for OSI (1995)In LOTOSphere: software development with LOTOS (pp. 137-159). Kluwer Academic Publishers. Turner, K. J. & van Sinderen, M.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4615-2203-4_7Middle Wave Software Architecture (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Chimento, P. F., van Sinderen, M. J. & van der Veen, J. (.On the Role of Basic Design Concepts in Behaviour Structuring (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). Quartel, D., Ferreira Pires, L., van Sinderen, M. J., Vissers, C. A. & Franken, H. M.Overview of databases requirements for intelligent networks (1995)In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Real-Time Systems, WPDRTS 1995 (pp. 160-161). Article 470493. IEEE. Jonker, W. & Nieuwenhuis, L. J. M.https://doi.org/10.1109/WPDRTS.1995.470493Telematicatoepassingen vergen betere afspraken over applicatiestructuur (1995)Automatisering gids, -. van Sinderen, M. J.Workflow Automation by means of the OSI Job Transfer and Manipulation (JTM) Standard (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. Centre for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT). Joosten, S. M. M. & van Sinderen, M. J.Workflow automation by means of the OSI Job Transfer and Manupilation Standard (1995)[Book/Report › Report]. Joosten, S. M. M. & van Sinderen, M. J.
A design model for Open Distributed Processing systems (1994)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Sinderen, M., Pires, L. F., Vissers, C. A. & Katoen, J.-P.Design concepts for open distributed systems (1994)In Open distributed processing II (pp. 369-371). North Holland. van Sinderen, M. J., Pires, L. F. & Vissers, C. A.Report on the architectural semantics workshop (1994)In Open Distributed Processing II (pp. 367-368). North Holland. van Sinderen, M. J. & Vissers, C. A.
Advanced design concepts for open distributed systems development (1993)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Pires, L. F., van Sinderen, M. & Vissers, C. A.Advances in architectural concepts to support distributed systems design (1993)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Pires, L. F., Vissers, C. A. & van Sinderen, M.Report on Architectural Semantics Workshop (1993)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Sinderen, M. J.Usage of the Lotosphere Development Tools and ISODE for Prototyping Application Layer Protocols (1993)In Workshop Proceedings Formale Methoden zum Entwurf Korrekter Systeme (pp. 81-94). Baveco, M., Korte, H., Widya, I. A. & van Sinderen, M. J.Advanced design concepts for open distributed systems (1993)In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Future Trends on Distributed Computing Systems (pp. 419-425). IEEE. Pires, L. F., Ferreira Pires, L., van Sinderen, M. J. & Vissers, C. A.https://doi.org/10.1109/FTDCS.1993.344211Advances in architectural concepts to support distributed systems design (1993)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 11th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks, SBRC 1993. Ferreira Pires, L., Vissers, C. A. & van Sinderen, M. J.What makes industries believe in formal methods (1993)In Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification XIII: Proceedings of the IFIP TC6/WG6.1 Thirteenth International Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing and Verification, PSTV XIII (pp. 3-26) (IFIP Transactions; Vol. C-16). North Holland. Vissers, C. A., van Sinderen, M. & Ferreira Pires, L.What makes industries believe in formal methods (1993)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Vissers, C. A., van Sinderen, M. & Ferreira Pires, L.
Protocol design and implementation using formal methods (1992)Computer journal, 35(5), 478-491. van Sinderen, M. J., Ferreira Pires, L., Pires, L. F. & Vissers, C. A.https://doi.org/10.1093/comjnl/35.5.478On the use of pre-defined implementation constructs in distributed systems design (1992)In Proceedings of IEEE third workshop future trends of ditributed computing systems (pp. 114-121). Pires, L. F., van Sinderen, M. J. & Vissers, C. A.A design and realization exercise of a mini message transfer system (1992)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Widya, I. A., de Bos, R. & van Sinderen, M.An engineering approach to ODP systems design (1992)In Open distributed processing: proceedings of the IFIP TC6/WG6.4 International Workshop on Open Distributed Processing, Berlin, Germany, 8-11 October 1991 (pp. 301-312) (IFIP Transactions). North Holland. van Sinderen, M. & Schot, J.Computernetwerken (1992)In Polyautomatiserings Zakboekje (pp. B2/1-B2/46) (Poly-Zakboekjes). Koninklijke PBNA B.V.. Vissers, C. A., van Sinderen, M. J. & Pras, A.Computernetwerken: Application layer, presentation layer, session layer (1992)In Poly-automatiseringszakboekje (pp. B2/21-B2/31). Koninklijke PBNA. van Sinderen, M. J.Initial statement of requirements on methods, techniques and tools, project RACE/CASSIOPEIA (1992)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Huis in t veld, R. J., Pires, L. F. & van Sinderen, M. J.LOTOS specification style for OSI (1992)[Book/Report › Report] 3rd LotoSphere Workshop & Seminar 1992. University of Twente. Turner, K. J. & van Sinderen, M.On the use of pre-defined implementation constructs in distributed systems design (1992)[Contribution to conference › Paper] 3rd Workshop on Future Trends in of Distributed Computing Systems, FTDCS. Ferreira Pires, L., van Sinderen, M. J. & Vissers, C. A.https://doi.org/10.1109/FTDCS.1992.217506
Transformation strategies (1991)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Sinderen, M. J.Specification styles in distributed systems design and verification (1991)Theoretical computer science, 89(1), 179-206. Vissers, C. A., Scollo, G., van Sinderen, M. J. & Brinksma, H.https://doi.org/10.1016/0304-3975(90)90111-TOn the design and formal specification of a transaction processing protocol (1991)In Third International conference on formal description techniques for distributed systems and communications protocol (pp. 411-426). van Sinderen, M. J. & Widya, I. A.FDT-based protocol design (1991)In Computational Centre, Technical University Wroclaw (pp. 161-168). van Sinderen, M. J. & Pires, L. F.Transformation (1991)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Sinderen, M. J.FDT based protocol design (1991)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Pires, L. F. & van Sinderen, M. J.Enquiry on chapter 6, Report Lotosphere (1991)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Schot, J. & van Sinderen, M. J.Specification constructs for PDU Encoding (1991)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Sinderen, M. J.An engineering approach to ODP systems design (1991)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Sinderen, M. & Schot, J.Applicatielaag (laag 7) (1991)In Handboek Telematica. Article 4170. Samson. van Sinderen, M. J.Computernetwerken (1991)In Poly-automatisering-zakboek. PBNA. Vissers, C. A., van Sinderen, M. J. & Pras, A.FDT-based Protocol Design (1991)In Computer Networks 1991: proceedings of the [4th] conference, June 26-28, 1991, Wrocław, Poland (pp. 161-169). Wydawnictwo Politechniki Wroclawskiej. van Sinderen, M. J. & Ferreira Pires, L.On the design and formal specification of a transaction processing protocol (1991)In Formal Description Techniques III: Proceedings of the IFIP TC6/WG6.1 Third International Conference on Formal Description Techniques for Distributed Systems and Communication Protocols, FORTE '90, Madrid, Spain, 5-8 November 1990 (pp. 411-426). Elsevier. van Sinderen, M. & Widya, I.
On the Design and Formal Specification of a Transaction Processing Protocol (1990)In FORTE'90 (pp. 515-532). van Sinderen, M. J. & Widya, I. A.Generic Protocol Specification Structures and Constructs (1990)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Sinderen, M. J. & Turner, K.On the Design and Formal Specification of a TP Protocol (1990)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Sinderen, M. J. & Widya, I. A.On the use of specifications styles for automated protocolimplementation from LOTOS to C (1990)In Tenth International Symposium on Protocol, Specification, Testing and Verification (pp. -). van Eijk, P. H. J., Kremer, H. H. C. & van Sinderen, M. J.Proposed List of Contents for Task 1.1/Task 3.3 Joint Deliverable (1990)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. Pires, L. F. & van Sinderen, M. J.Generic Service and Protocol Structures (1990)[Other contribution › Other contribution]. van Sinderen, M. J.Specification structures for TP (1990)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. van Sinderen, M. J.Specification styles for behaviour expression (1990)[Contribution to conference › Paper]. van Sinderen, M. J. & Vissers, C. A.A Verification Excercise in LOTOS (1990)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Sinderen, M. J.Generic service and protocol structures (1990)Memoranda informatica, 0(61), -. van Sinderen, M. J.Generic service and protocol structures (1990)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Sinderen, M. J.On the design and formal specification of a transaction processing protocol (1990)Memoranda informatica, 0(66), -. van Sinderen, M. J. & Widya, I. A.On the use of specification styles for automated protocol implementation from LOTOS to C (1990)In Proceedings of the IFIP WG6.1 Tenth International Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification, PSTV 1990 (pp. 157-168). North Holland. van Eijk, P., Kremer, H. & van Sinderen, M. J.https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=670250On the use of specifications styles for automated protocol implementation from LOTOS to C (1990)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Eijk, P. H. J., Kremer, H. H. C. & van Sinderen, M. J.Specification styles in distributed systems design and verification (1990)Memoranda informatica, 90(06), -. Vissers, C. A., Scollo, G., van Sinderen, M. J. & Brinksma, H.Upper layer architecture; Final deliverable COMETT project DISCUS, Part I: Lecture notes in distributed systems (1990)[Book/Report › Report]. CEC, Brussel. van Sinderen, M. J.
A verification exercise relating to specification styles in LOTOS (1989)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. van Sinderen, M. J.Formal description of the OSI session layer: introduction (1989)In The formal description technique LOTOS: Results of the Esprit/Sedos project (pp. 89-96). North Holland. Ajubi, I., Scollo, G. & van Sinderen, M. J.Formal description of the OSI session layer: session service (1989)In The formal description technique LOTOS: Results of the Esprit/Sedos project (pp. 117-151). North Holland. van Sinderen, M. J.On the use of specification styles in the design of distributed systems (1989)[Contribution to conference › Abstract] Third International Joint Conference on Theory and Practice of Software Development, TAPSOFT 1989. Vissers, C. A., Scollo, G., van Sinderen, M. J. & Brinksma, H.https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-50940-2_27The application of LOTOS for the formal description of the ISO session layer (1989)In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Formal Description Techniques (pp. 263-277). Elsevier. van Sinderen, M. J., Ajubi, I. & Caneschi, F.
A critial anaysis of the X.400 model of message handling systems (1988)Computer Standards & Interfaces, 7, 363-375. van Sinderen, M. & Dorregeest, E.https://doi.org/10.1109/TENCON.1990.152648A critical analysis of the X.400 model of message handling systems (1988)Computer Standards & Interfaces, 7(4), 363-375. van Sinderen, M. J. & Dorregeest, E.https://doi.org/10.1016/0920-5489(88)90022-0Architecture and specification style in formal descriptions of distributed systems (1988)In Proceedings of the IFIP WG6.1 Eighth International Symposium on Protocol Specification, Testing, and Verification (pp. 189-204). Elsevier. Vissers, C. A., Scollo, G. & van Sinderen, M. J.
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De applicatie laag (1986)In OSI '86: proceedings van de Telematica-3 Conferentie (pp. 65-76). Nederlands Genootschap voor Informatica (NGI). van Sinderen, M.APL: an effective design language (1986)IEE Proceedings E: Computers and Digital Techniques, 133(2), 100-104. van Sinderen, M. J., Huijs, C. & Blaauw, G.https://doi.org/10.1049/ip-e.1986.0012A traffic control method for internetworking: flow control by latency (1986)In Proceedings of Networks '86, Third International Planning Symposium (pp. 98-103). IEEE. van Sinderen, M. J. & Vissers, C. A.
Network interconnections: an architectural reference model (1985)In Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen - Anwendungen, Betrieb, Grundlagen (pp. 338-353) (Informatik-Fachberichte; Vol. 95). Springer. Butscher, B., Lenzini, L., Morling, R., Vissers, C. A., Popescu-Zeletin, R. & van Sinderen, M. J.Network layer implications for internetworking (1985)In Proceedings NGI-SION Informatica Symposium - Uitdagingen aan de informatica (pp. 387-397). Nederlands Genootschap voor Informatica (NGI). van Sinderen, M. J.
Types of Services (1984)[Book/Report › Report]. University of Twente. Vissers, C. A., van Sinderen, M. J. & Pras, A.Am architectural model for network interconnection (1984)In Proceedings NGI-SION 1984 Informatica Symposium - State of the Art (pp. 398-404). Nederlands Genootschap voor Informatica (NGI). van Sinderen, M. J.
An architectural model for network interconnection (1983)In Proceedings of the European Teleinformatics Conference (pp. 475-488). Elsevier. van Sinderen, M. J. & Vissers, C. A.