UTServicesLISACyber safetyNewsNew supplier for TLS certificates

New supplier for TLS certificates Sectigo

As of 1 May 2020 the university will switch to a new supplier of TLS certificates for servers and personal use.

Certificates from this provider are offered through the Trusted Certificate Service from GÉANT. The last couple of months educational institutions throughout Europe have tested this service. The University of Twente is one of them. We can say we are ready to process Certificate Signing Requests for a number of services.

  • Server certificates (including eScience certificates);
  • Client / personal certificates (including eScience Certificates);
  • Code Signing certificates;
  • Extended Validation Code Signing certificates;
  • Document signing certificates.

Each user can request a Client / Personal certificate from the Sectigo website. Authentication and autorisation happens through our own Single Signon service. The processing of Client / Personal certificates is no longer dependant on the browser used. You can either upload a CSR or you can have Sectigo create a secret key on a separate hardware security system. The key and the certificate will be mailed.

Server certificates (EV and otherwise) can be requested through the LISA self service portal. Code and Document signing certifiates need to be requested through the Service Desk ICT.

Certificates requested from Digicert will stay valid until the end date in the certificate. There is no need to request a new certificate right now.