Completed Assignments Water 2023





Water Robuust Peize-Zuid

A.J. Evers

Aveco de Bondt

Water retention during moderate precipitation events in rural areas. A case and comparison study regarding the Verloren Beek catchment

G.W. Blom

BZ Ingenieurs & Managers

The correlation between the precipitation and the representative high groundwater level (RHG) in urbanized Hengelo

P.M. Breel


Trend Analysis in the peak flows of the Meuse river and its tributaries through the use of series of ensemble forecasts events

V.E. Urbano Guerrero


Sensitivity of inundation to sea level rise in dike ring 14

T.J. Shaffrey

DEME Offshore

Controlled Flow Excavation on cohesionless soil. Understanding the physical processes of controlled Flow Excavation. Predicting the static and dynamic scour depth

R.A. Brinkers


Analysis of the effects of dike structures on heave failure at screens. Evaluation on the effects on hydraulic heave failure through an experimental heave screen setup and an analytical two-pressure stability model

L.T. Raadschelders


The influence of the numerical approach on pre-augering on sheet pile design

N.J. van Dongen

Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier

A comparison of groundwater level estimation methods

L.P. Dekker

IMDC Belgiƫ

Evaluation of Shoreline Changes with Improved One-line Numerical Shoreline Modelling

R.C. Sonnemans

Royal HaskoningDHV

The impact of low water levels on inland waterway transport. An economic risk assessment of shipping on the Rhine

A.J. Timmer

SAWA Wateradvies

Preparing polders for extreme weather events: Strategies to reduce flooding

L.M.C. Nannes


Drought indicators in the East of the Netherlands

V. Kremer Devesa


Assessment of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) tool. Impact of environmental factors and precipitation in Overijssel on the reliability of the NDVI tool to determine impervious surfaces as input for water run-off models

S.R. Smeenk


The increasing problem of ground subsidence. An analysis on the consequences and mitigation of ground subsidence in relation to water management and water safety

T. van Kampen

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Determination of the changes in annual and seasonal runoff and determine if the changes in runoff can be attributed to land cover change or climate change in the Merawu catchment, central Java.

D.J.H. Thus

Universitas Indonesia

Assessment of satellite-based precipitation data for SWAT+ modelling in upstream catchment of Bengawan Solo, Java, Indonesia

V. Vinsensius Windy Hermawan


Modelling the hydrodynamic effects of the construction of a small island near the Wadden sea

Y. Zhou

Waterschap Noorderzijlvest

Enhancing Efficiency in Noorderzijlvest's Freshwater System: Analyzing Freshwater Utilization. How to deal with the increasing salinization in the northern part of the Netherlands between Lauwersoog and Noordpolderzijl?

J.M. Hofman

Waterschap Rivierenland

Investigating nutrient filter options for water inlet in Land van Maas en Waal

R.W. Grandia

Waterschap Vallei & Veluwe

Storage improvement of urban water catchments in Ede using the SOBEK model

J. Hanning

Waterschap Vechtstromen

Hydrological Water Balance Modelling. Determining the feasability of closing water balances of the subcatchments in the Overijsselse Vecht basin

W.R. de Jong

Waterschap Zuiderzeeland

Assessment of wave load reduction by breakwaters

M.E. Broenink

Witteveen + Bos

Crisis response for extreme flooding. Using a hydraulic model to support crisis response

M.H.A. Mank

Witteveen + Bos Indonesia

Analysing land use change effects on discharge of the Pawan River

M. Trishan Wilando

Witteveen + Bos

A Probabilistic Assessment of the Phreatic Line

T.G. Manenschijn