Completed Assignments Water 2022




Antea Group

Analysis of the bottlenecks in the existing sewage system of Zolder, Belgium

E.M. Olde Heuvel

Aveco de Bondt

The influence of input parameters on flood calculation outcomes

K. Korporaal

Aveco de Bondt

Modelling surface water and groundwater interactions at the Catchment of the Beurzerbeek with a coupled Tygron and MODFLOW model

L.M. Schoonderwoerd


Trend analysis of extreme precipitation events in the Meuse catchment, obtained with re-forecasts from the ECMWF

B. te Booij

Hoogheemraadschap Hollands Noorderkwartier

Investigation in the Effects of Piping on the Safety of a Levee Including a Structure

I. Leegwater

International Marine & Dredging Consultants (IMDC)

Application of parametric design on the breakwater design process

T. Sozef


The effect of coastal transect extraction methods and resolutions on calculated coastline position and coastal sand volumes

D.J. van der Hoorn

The Mulloon Institute

The effect of leaky weirs on groundwater tables in the Mulloon catchment

J.G. Meinen

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Differences in soil water characteristics of monoculture oil palm plantations, agroforestry oil palm plantations and natural forest

M.J. van Oosterhout

Vietnam National University of Science

An impact assessment of human interventions on the hydrological regime of the Black River Basin in Vietnam

W. Winkel

Waterschap Drents Overijsselse Delta

Assessing the Reliability of Discharge Data

P.M. Dannenberg

Waterschap Noorderzijlvest

Local insight into hydrological interactions from water quantity and vegetation monitoring. A study based on the sensor station network implemented in the drainage catchment of the Grote Masloot

A. Anoniem

Waterschap Rijn en IJssel

Selecting measures for a climate resilient water system in the Liemers Bevermeer

T.R. Scheper

Waterschap Vechtstromen

Improving the Purifying Effect of the Kristalbad

T.R. Bralts

Waterschap Zuiderzeeland

Research to increase biodiversity possibilities on the innner slope of the dike sections Flevopolder and Noordoostpolder

C.H. Bedon Pineda

Witteveen + Bos

Assessment of Macrostability. The level of detail of the soil layers in a cross-section for both probabilistic and semi-probabilistic calculation methods

H. Buijs

Witteveen + Bos

Soil deformation due to dike strengthening projects. The effect of using local values of the Pre-Overburden Pressure (POP) instead of project wide values in Durgerdam.

W. Cazemier

Witteveen + Bos

Using Tygron to assess the extent of hindrance due to stormwater in Olst

M. Verboom

Witteveen + Bos

Probabilistic approach of overtopping’s effects on Macro stability in Zwolle Olst

M. Yaghi