Section Onderwijskunde changes its name into Professional Learning & Technology
To better reflect the focus of the work, the section Onderwijskunde has decided to change its name to Professional Learning & Technology (PLT). PLT is one of the four sections under the department of Learning, Data, and Technology (LDT). Maaike Endedijk, the head of the section, explains: "The old name originated from a time when there was a singular, discipline-related department. Now, we have multiple sections focusing on Education and Learning, it no longer serves purpose for our group to retain this name. Particularly because PLT primarily concentrates on learning outside the traditional education sector. At PLT, our research focuses on formal and informal learning of (future) employees, with a specific emphasis on the nuanced interplay between technology and human capital development. This includes not only technology to support or understand learning processes, but we also explore how employees can keep up with and contribute to technological innovations. Our studies often take place in the high-tech and health sectors within the context of large transformations, such as energy transition, digital transformation, and healthcare transition. Additionally, we teach HRD-related courses in the Educational Science & Technology program and are involved in designing lifelong learning solutions. We are very pleased that our request has been approved by the FB. A new website will be launched soon, and in the fall, we will organize an official launch event to celebrate our new name and identity to a wider community."