The Executive Board of the University of Twente has appointed Nicole Letteboer as interim director of operational management for the Faculty of BMS, where she will take care of the finance and housing portfolios.
From 15 February, Nicole will hold this position for three days a week. The appointment is for a period of three to four months, until a permanent filling for this vacant position is found. In the period until 1 March, she will work closely with the incumbent interim director of operations, Tijs Breukink, to ensure a smooth handover.
Nicole is currently working in the Finance department as Manager Financial Business Support. From that role, she will continue to be involved in UT-wide projects for two days a week. As a.i. director of BMS, she will mainly focus on the finance & control and accommodation portfolios. The other portfolios have been assigned to the (vice) deans of the faculty.
The Executive Board wishes Nicole every success in this role.