UTFacultiesBMSNewsOpening Academic Year 2019/2020

Opening Academic Year 2019/2020

The wing beat of a fragile butterfly may be the onset of a tornado elsewhere in the world. The Butterfly Effect describes how a single act can serve as a catalyst and have huge consequences. What looks like a minor intervention may change the world in an unsuspected way. It all starts with clever and creative people. They are the world’s butterflies. 

Our keynote speaker, Cees Links, is a UT alumnus and he is such a butterfly. He knew that he had invented something potentially transformational. He spoke to Steve Jobs about it. Things started accelerating. He could not have guessed that nowadays we cannot do without his invention. 

Our university is the breeding ground for bright ideas and brilliant minds that could initiate true change. We cherish our butterflies and care for our caterpillars in their transition. Our students will be the change agents of the future. They have every reason to take the sky. Watch student Renee Meijer unfold her story
Are you ready to spread out your wings and cause a storm? Join us at the colourful Opening of the Academic Year 2019/2020!