UTFacultiesBMSNewsNWO funding for proposal sustainable inclusive business value chains

NWO funding for proposal sustainable inclusive business value chains

University of Twente (Nikos), Nyenrode Business Universiteit and The Next Organization see their NWO proposal on “Action Repertoire for Distributed Business Models in Inclusive Business Value Chains” qualified.

The NWO committee qualified the proposal as very good and made it eligible for funding. The proposal was submitted to a call for Sustainable Business Models of the Social Sciences and Humanities domain of NWO.

This proposal was submitted to a call for Sustainable Business Models of the Social Sciences and Humanities domain of NWO. In April 2018 the NWO committee qualified the proposal as very good and made it eligible for funding.

The research proposal focuses on creating design principles for the development of sustainable earnings- and distribution models in the field of Inclusive Innovations. In the research, ten cases are key that all have a link between involving low income groups in developing countries and companies in the Dutch economy. Based on Stewardship Theory it is proposed that three factors lead to the kind of relationships that are needed for the creation of new distributed business models: the need for a common goal, space for growth and the need for transparency and accountability. Understanding, in practice, how this can be done in chain developments towards higher levels of sustainability is an important objective of this research because it creates an action repertoire for the innovation orchestrator, which can then be implemented in other value chains.

As a next step the consortium partners will appoint a post doc for the execution of this 2 year research programme and look for additional partners interested in this topic. For more information, the program leaders Prof Dr Ir Petra de Weerd-Nederhof or Prof Dr André Nijhof can be contacted.

drs. M.M.J. van Hillegersberg - Hofmans (Martine)
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