Title: Simulation and optimization of Smart Yards - talk given by Matteo Brunetti
- Abstract: Logistics companies face challenges regarding shorter delivery times, shortage of drivers, traffic congestion, and safety and environmental concerns. Connected and Automated Transport (CAT) (e.g., automated vehicles and platooning) has the potential to tackle these challenges and transform logistics nodes (e.g., ports, airports, distribution centers). However, the implementation of CAT is disruptive for logistics processes and its effects on large areas are hard to estimate. In our research, we focus on the Smart Yard concept: a logistics node where companies (i) share a fleet of automated vehicles and (ii) receive and use advance information on freight arrivals. Specifically, we are developing a simulation framework and a fleet dispatching algorithm, to assess CAT at four logistics nodes in the Netherlands.
- Bio: Matteo Brunetti is a PhD student within the Department of Industrial Engineering and Business Information Systems (IEBIS) at the University of Twente, the Netherlands. He received a MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management in 2019. He is currently involved in the Connected Automated Transport And Logistics Yielding SustainabiliTy (CATALYST) project lead by TNO, the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research. His research interests are supply chain management, logistics digitization, multi-agent systems, 3D discrete event simulation, and simulation optimization.
Title: Designing a 360 Degree Peer Feedback Process: A Multi-Stakeholder Approach - talk given by Anna Bos-Nehles
- Abstract: The purpose of this study is to design a co-created 360 degree peer feedback process. The process is designed to improve self-regulated student behaviours through actively engaging in the co-creation in the curriculum and course delivery through co-creating assessment criteria, seeking feedback from various perspectives, as well as peer feedback and assessment. Business partners are invited to co-create the course delivery by providing real-life challenges, data and feedback in a university-business cooperation. Four raters were involved in a three-round holistic feedback process. Various stakeholders provide feedback based on a multitude of perspectives and viewpoints: teachers, peers, self-assessment and business partners. The aim was that students perceived engagement in the co-created 360 degree peer feedback as valuable for their learning process. The design is implemented in the MSc course HRM and Innovation at the University of Twente and tested among a student population based on quantitative and qualitative data. The results show that the design was effective because nearly 80% of the students perceived the engagement in the feedback process as valuable for their learning process and because the design was implemented effectively in the course. Implications for theory and practice are discussed and suggestions for future research and practice are provided.
- Bio: Anna Bos-Nehles is Assistant Professor in the field of Human Resource Management at the University of Twente. Her main research interest lies in the role of line managers towards HRM implementation effectiveness, their effect on innovative employee behaviours and their role in digitalization. She focuses on how line managers implement HR policies and practices at the operational level, in the way they shape the innovative behaviour of employees in all areas of the organisation and how they use digital innovations to manage their subordinates. Her research has been published in peer-reviewed international outlets such as International Journal of Management Reviews, Human Rsource Management Journal, Human Resource Management, International Journal of Human Resource Management, and Personnel Review.
She has completed her Senior University Teaching Qualification (SUTQ) in 2021 about the Co-creation of a 360 Degree Peer Review Process and is appointed as Teaching and Learning (T&L) Fellow of the University of Twente for the period 2021-2024. She will develop self-regulated feedback mechanisms for Challenge-Based Learning projects and will disseminate the teaching innovation inside and outside of the University of Twente.