Title: Automated and distributed Infrastructure maintenance architecture (ADIMA) – talk given by Fatjon Seraj (Researcher in the Pervasive Systems group at EEMCS)
- Abstract: Infrastructure maintenance involves many partners working in concert to ensure a safe and efficient infrastructure, maintained according to the required technical and safety standards, with the right materials in the right time and within the budget. Traditionally these requirements are sealed in agreements and each step of the contract is manually or physically checked.
The latest technological advancement in the fields of IoT and Artificial Intelligence create the premises for a fully automated maintenance process, starting from the moment a contractor is assigned to maintain, improve or build the asset up to the accomplishment of the maintenance term. Creating an ecosystem to accommodate a fully independent maintenance procedure necessitates deep knowledge of the whole procedural chain involved in the maintenance in order to foresee all the requirements and liabilities.
This chain of procedures include smart continuous monitoring of the infrastructure that will automatically trigger the maintenance of the segment in need, allocating the required assets, logistics, required materials to be used as well as the required skills to handle the procedure. To automatically inspect and certify this steps, requires the involvement of modern technologies such as InternetOfThings (IOT) sensors, Big-Data analysis, predictive and condition-based maintenance, smart logistics, smart asset management, process mining, etc. Hence, providing a state of automation for the whole chain of procedures and reliable quality of data is of paramount importance.
- Bio: Fatjon Seraj is a Researcher in the Pervasive Systems group at EEMCS. He is an R&D enthusiast with particular interest on rich environmental sensing, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence decision making.
Title: Simulation solution validation for an integrated emergency post – talk given by Martijn Koot
- Abstract: Simulation solution validation concerns the comparison between the expected and actual performance of a solution provided by a simulation model. Such a comparison might become challenging when not only the implementation of the solution changed the environment, but also the processes and data have changed. We illustrate this challenge using a case study at an Integrated Emergency Post (IEP), which is a collaboration between a general practitioners post and a hospital’s emergency department to provide out-of-hours emergency care. After performing a simulation study, our solution has been implemented, after which data has been gathered for two years. We validated the solution by performing various comparisons, using simulated and realized performance, under the original and changed data and processes, and with and without the proposed solution. We propose a solution validation framework to structure these comparisons and provide key insights regarding solution validation, using our case study at the IEP.