Title: Simulation Of Real-time And Opportunistic Truck Platooning At The Port Of Rotterdam – talk given by Berry Gerrits
- Abstract: Truck platooning is the concept of multiple trucks driving at aerodynamically efficient inter-vehicle distances in a cooperative and semi-autonomous fashion. Advanced sensor technology and wireless communication is used to maintain short and safe following distances between the trucks. This paper proposes an agent-based simulation model to evaluate a matchmaking system for trucks to find a suitable partner to platoon with. We consider two types of platoon matching: real-time (at a truck stop) and opportunistic (while driving on the highway). We evaluate the proposed system using a case study at the Port of Rotterdam and the surrounding area, where we study various factors influencing platoon formation and profitability. Results show that the most influential factors in both platoon formation and the total platoon profitability are wage savings and the possibility of different truck brands to platoon together.
- Bio: Berry Gerrits is a PhD candidate within the department of Industrial Engineering and Business Information systems at the University of Twente, The Netherlands. He holds a MSc in Industrial Engineering (2016). His research interests are transportation, multi-agent systems, agent-based simulation and supply chain management. He is also the founder of Distribute and co-founder of DistributIT.
Title: Analyzing Emergent Behavior in Supply Chain Logistics- – talk given by Rob Bemthuis
- Abstract: Organizations are often characterized by a multitude of heterogeneous (local) actors that pursue their own, sometimes conflicting, desires, goals, obligations, norms, and values. The design and employment of coercive mechanisms to make sure that the system-wide behavior yields a desired result can, however, be quite challenging. In this talk, the speaker will explore some ways of discovering, analyzing, and affecting emergent behavior, whereby we focus on applications in the supply chain logistics domain. Emergent behavior can be seen as a result of unfamiliar and unique behavior that has occurred or as unrecognized behavior that has been a possibility from inception [1]. Illustrated with a use case reported in a recent conference paper (co-authored with colleagues from the IEBIS-department), the presenter first outlines some insights from an envisioned agent-based architecture. Building on the architecture, we then discuss some theoretical insights and implications (in an attempt to generalize our results). [1]: M. Grieves and J. Vickers, “Digital twin: Mitigating unpredictable, undesirable emergent behavior in complex systems,” in Transdisciplinary perspectives on complex systems. Springer, 2017, pp. 85–113.
- Bio: Rob Bemthuis is a PhD student within the department Pervasive Systems at the faculty EEMCS. He received his BSc. and MSc. degrees in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Twente. Rob’s research is part of the Big Data for Resilient Logistics (DataRel) project. His research interests are multi-agent systems, Internet-of-Things, and logistics processes. In 2019, he received the Best Doctoral Consortium paper award at the 23rd IEEE EDOC conference. Since 2019, he has also been elected board member of the PhD Network of the UT (P-NUT) and (‘house’) mentor of technical computer science students.