Personal Information
Name: Zijm, Willem Hendrik Maria (Henk)
Birth: May 3, 1952, at Texel, The Netherlands
Civil status: Married with Liesbeth R. Afman, three daughters
1964-1969 | HBS-b, Texel, The Netherlands. |
1969-1972 | BSc. in Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands |
1972-1977 | MSc. in Applied Mathematics (cum laude), University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (cum laude). |
1978-1981 | PhD. in Operations Research, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. |
Work experience
1981-1983 | University of Amsterdam, Department of Actuarial Sciences and Econometrics, The Netherlands: Assistant professor (wetenschappelijk medewerker) |
1983-1990 | Philips Electronics, Center for Quantitative Methods: Senior Consultant Operations Research, Logistic Management and Manufacturing Planning and Control |
1987-1990 | Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Computing Science: parttime professor in Mathematical Models for Operations Management |
1990-1998 | University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering: Full professor and chair of the Production and Operations Management Group |
1998-1998 1999-2000 | Vice Dean, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Twente Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Technology Management: Full professor in Production and Operations Management |
2000-2002 | Scientific Director of the Center for Telematics and Information Technology (CTIT), University of Twente |
2002-2004 | Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Twente |
2005-2009 | Rector Magnificus, University of Twente |
2009-2018 | University of Twente, Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences: Full professor in Production and Supply Chain Management |
2009-2013 | Chair of the Production and Supply Chain Management Group, Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, University of Twente |
2010-2015 | Scientific Director of the Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics (DINALOG), Breda |
1994-1998 | Member of the Board of Management of the postdoctoral program "Wiskundige beheers- en beleidsmodellen", University of Twente, |
1995-1998 | Scientific Director of the Center for Production, Logistics and Operations Management, University of Twente, |
1996-1998 | Member Strategy Committee Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Twente, |
1996-1998 | Member of the Board of Management of the Center for Integral Production Innovation, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Twente, |
1997-1998 | Member preparation committee Industrial Engineering M.Sc. program, University of Twente, |
1995-2002 | Research Fellow and Member of the Management Team of the Dutch Research School BETA (Business Engineering and Technology Application). |
2002-2004 | Member of the Supervisory Board of MESA+, Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente |
2002-2004 | Member of the Supervisory Board of CTIT, Center for Telematics and Information Technology, University of Twente |
2002-2004 | Member of the Supervisory Board of BMTI, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University of Twente |
2002-2004 | Member of the Supervisory Board of IMPACT, Institute of Mechanics, Processes and Control Technology, University of Twente |
2004-2004 | Member of the Dean Steering Committee of TSM, Twente School of Management, University of Twente |
2009-2012 | Chair of the Operational Methods for Production and Logistics Group, School of Management and Governance, University of Twente |
1987-1990 | Member Research-committee of the Dutch Society for Operations Research and System Theory |
1988-1991 | Scientific Advisor of the Dutch Working Group on Design, Planning and Control of Flexible Manufacturing Systems |
1989-1995 | Scientific Advisor of the Department of Operations Research, Statistics and System Theory, Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam |
1990-1992 | Member of the Examination Council of the Dutch Society of Logistics Management |
1992-1996 | Member of the Steering Committee of the Foundation Twente Logistics (Stichting Logistiek Twente), The Netherlands |
2002-2004 | Member of the Advisory Board of the joint UT-TU/e Research School BETA (Business Engineering and Technology Application). |
2002-2004 | Member of the Supervisory Board of ITC, the Institute of Geo-Information and Earth Observation, Enschede, the Netherlands |
2002-2012 | Member of the Board of the International Society of Inventory Research, Budapest, Hungary |
2004-2004 | Member of the Executive Board of the Netherlands Technology Foundation STW, Utrecht, the Netherlands |
2004-2004 | Member of the Supervisory Board of the Foundation MultiMediaN, Amsterdam, the Netherlands |
2006-2009 | Member of the Supervisory Board of WETSUS, Leeuwarden, the Netherlands |
2007-2009 | Member of the Strategic Advisory Council of TNO-Industry and Technology, Eindhoven, the Netherlands |
2008-2010 | President of the International Society for Inventory Research, Budapest, Hungary |
2009-2011 | Chairman of the Supervisory Board of ASTRON (NWO-institute for Radio-Astronomy), Dwingelo, the Netherlands |
2009-2013 | Vice-chairman of the Board of Commissioners of OOST NV, the Development Agency East Netherlands, Arnhem, the Netherlands |
2009-2017 | Member of the Supervisory Board of Roessingh Rehabilitation Centre, Enschede, the Netherlands |
2010-2015 2014-2016 | Chairman Scientific Advisory Board of the Dutch Institute for Advanced Logistics (DINALOG), Breda Vice-Chair of the European Technology Platform for Logistics ALICE (Alliance for Logistics Innovation and Cooperation in Europe), Brussels, Belgium |
The following list of topics briefly summarizes the main research activities, carried out or conducted by Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm.
a. Design, planning and control of discrete manufacturing systems
Research in this theme focuses on the development of quantitative tools supporting the design of manufacturing systems (layout, selection of machines and auxiliary resources, transport modes and control systems), aiming at an optimal performance in terms of lead times, quality and costs. In addition, planning and control systems are designed (long term production planning, capacity planning and materials co-ordination, shop floor control). To this end, specific (hierarchical and multi-resource) stochastic network models for performance analysis are developed, while combinatorial methods are studied and used for short term optimal control. On this topic, we collaborate with a large number of discrete manufacturing industries as well as with international scientific companion institutes
b. Supply Chain Management
Within this theme, attention is paid to the development of management strategies for supply chains (multi-echelon systems), in order to arrive at a high throughput, short response times and a high qaulity of products, processes and services. Both the design of the structure of the logistic chain and the development of appropriate control systems are discussed. In particular, we focus on the control of networks under capacity constraints, inventory management within service networks and the interaction between inventory management and supply strategies. An important role concerns the modelling of modern ICT technologies and their use in optimizing the supply chain. Furthermore, much attention is paid to horizontal and vertical cooperation in supply chains, and the design of business models to demonstrate the potential benefits for, and ways to share these benefits among, all stakeholders involved. Urban logistics is an important special topic within this area. In all these cases, the need to increase sustainability is an important driving force behind our studies. Also, in this field an active collaboration exists with both industries and international scientific institutes.
c. Design, planning and control of material handling systems
Part of the research on material handling systems concerns the development of optimal strategies for storage and orderpicking in both manual and automated storage and retrieval systems. Topics that are studied include: layout design of warehouses, the selection of storage and routing policies and the performance analysis and scheduling of Automatic Storage and Retrieval Systems (AS/RS). Joint research is performed with various engineering companies and end-users, as well as with foreign research groups In addition, attention is paid to the design and logistic control of internal transport systems, with some special interest in automated guided vehicle systems.
d. Planning in maintenance and service logistics
This topic is concerned with the production management (order acceptance, process planning, capacity and materials planning, and execution) of large, complex organisations with a mixed job shop and project-based operation. These studies were motivated by a long-lasting cooperation with a professional large maritime organisation. Next to process and production planning, a significant effort is spent to the development of smart spare parts logistics management. In addition, we evaluate the impact of new technologies, such as additive manufacturing (3D printing) on spare parts provisioning. Also, the impact of condition monitoring on shifting from corrective or time-based preventive maintenance to condition-based maintenance receives close attention. A number of industries are involved in projects focusing on collaborative maintenance and service logistics.
e. Industrial Symbiosis
Industrial Symbiosis aims to aid industrial companies in sometimes quite different sectors to use residu products or waste produced by other companies as their primary input, possibly after some pre-processing. The aim is to reduce the use of fresh resources, hence to diminish the overall resource footprint. Research in this area focuses in particular on the structure and design of databases which enable companies to quickly spot potential collaborators. Furthermore, business models are designed, based on input-output theory and multi-agent systems, whereas the economics of Industrial Symbioses Networks is optimized by using game-theoretical models. As an aside, we also study the design of second generation biomass supply chains as a feeder to bio-energy. Research is based on international collaboration with both scientific and industrial countries five countries.
Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm and Prof. dr. A. van Harten have been the initiators of the research program Integral Production Innovation (Integrale Productievernieuwing, IPV) which was awarded with a two million Dutch guilder grant from the University of Twente Fund for Research Stimulation (Onderzoeks Stimulerings Fonds, OSF). This research program has led to seven dissertations.
The research group Production and Operations Management, headed by professor Zijm from 1990 until 1998, was ranked by the VSNU research assessment committee in 1993. On all four aspects that were mentioned, the group received the maximum score (excellent).
In 2006 professor Zijm was elected as Fellow of the International Society for Inventory Research (ISIR), Hungary, Budapest, to acknowledge his contributions to a wide range of topics in production research and supply chain management, both theoretically and applied. He has also served as president of ISIR between 2008 and 2010.
Professor Zijm is one of the five fellows of the Dutch Research School BETA (Business Engineering and Technology Application) and has served the organisation in various roles. He is still one of the three jury-members of the BETA dissertation award.
In 2016, professor Zijm has been elected as foreign member of the Royal Flamish Academy of Sciences, the KVAB (Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van België van Wetenschappen en Kunsten).
Professor Zijm is a member of several national and international organisations (Netherlands Society on Operations Research, European Society on Operations Research, International Society on Inventory Management, Institute for Operations Research and Management Science, Production and Operations Management Society, European Operations Management Association, International Institute for Production Engineering Research).
At the occasion of his resignation as Rector Magnificus, professor Zijm received a Royal Decoration (Officier in de Orde van Oranje Nassau).
He is or was associate editor of the following journals: |
Operations Research Spectrum |
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management |
Decision Making in Manufacturing and Services |
He is a reviewer for the following journals: |
International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems |
European Journal of Operations Research |
Mathematics of Operations Research |
Management Science |
Journal of Production and Operations Management |
International Journal of Production Economics, |
Computers in Industry, |
Production Planning and Control, |
IIE Transactions. |
Furthermore, he has been: |
Joint organizer of the DGOR/NSOR meeting, Veldhoven, the Netherlands, 1988. |
Organizer of special sessions on Flexible Manufacturing systems at DGOR meetings, 1988 and 1989. |
Organizer of a special session on Operations Scheduling at the annual meeting of the Production and Operations Management Society, Orlando, Florida, USA, 1992. |
Member of the International Program Committee of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Mons, Belgium, 1993. |
Organizer of three special sessions on Flexible Manufacturing at EURO XIV (14th European Conference of Operations Research, Jerusalem, Israel, 1995. |
Organizer of three special sessions on Production management and Materials Handling control at FAIM ’99 (International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, Tilburg, the Netherlands, 1999. |
Organizer of industrial working group at the Workshop Stochastic Models for Manufacturing Systems, Tinos Island (Greece), 1999. |
Member programme committee of the International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS ’99), Berlin, 1999. |
Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference 2004, organized by the International Foundation of Production Research, Gold Coast, Australia, 2004. Chair of the Organising Committee of the ILS 2014 conference (ILS = ICT, Logistics and Supply Chains), an international bi-annual conference, organized alternately in Europe and on the American continent (USA or Canada). He has been a member of more than 100 PhD dissertation committees (including those where acting as a first Promoter). He has been a speaker at about 300 workshops, conferences, etc (including many invited reviews). |
Supervision of PhD students
- I.J.B.F. Adan, A compensation apporach for Queueing Problems, Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, 1991 (Promoters: Prof. dr. J. Wessels, Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm)
- J. Slomp, Production Control for Flexible Manufacturing systems: an application oriented approach, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1993 (Promoters: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm, Prof. dr. ir. G.J. Gaalman).
- B. Lenderink, The integration of process and production planning in small batch parts manufacturing, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1994 ( Promoters: Prof. dr. ir. H.J.J. Kals, Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm).
- G.J. van Houtum, New approaches for multi-dimensional queueing systems, Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, 1995 (Promoters: Prof. dr. J. Wessels, Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm).
- H.A. ten Kate, Order acceptance and production control, University of Groningen, Department of Systems, Organization and Management, 1995 (Promoters: Prof. dr. J. Wijngaard, Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm).
- G.J. Meester, Multi- resource shop floor scheduling, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1996 (Promoter: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm).
- J.M.J. Schutten, Shop Floor scheduling with set-up times: efficiency versus lead time performance, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1996 (Promoter: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm).
- J.P. van de Berg, Planning and control of Warehousing Systems, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1996 (Promoter: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm).
- R. de Boer, A decision support system for resource-constrained project management, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1998 (Promoters: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm, Prof. dr. A. van Harten).
- R. Buitenhek, Performance analysis of dual resource manufacturing systems, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1998 (Promoter: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm. Co-Promoter: Dr. ir. W. Nawijn).
- A.J. de Waard, Re-engineering Large Scale Maintenance Organizations, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1999 (Promoters: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm, Prof. dr. J.E. van Aken).
- M.M.T. Giebels, ETOPLAN, a concept for Concurrent Manufacturing Planning and Control, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 2000 (Promoters: Prof. dr. ir. H.J.J. Kals and Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm).
- W.D. Rustenburg, A System Approach to Budget-Constrained Spare Parts Management, Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Technology Management, 2000 (Promoters: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm and Prof. dr. A.G. de Kok. Co-Promoter: Dr. ir. G.J. van Houtum).
- J.W.C.H. Visschers, Random walks with geometric jumps, Eindhoven University, Department of Mathematics and Computing Science, 2000 (Promoters: Prof. dr. J. Wessels and Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm).
- E.W. Hans, Resource Loading by Branch-and-Price Techniques, University of Twente, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, 2001 (Promoters: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm and Prof. dr. S.L. van de Velde. Co-Promoter: Dr. ir. A.J.R.M. Gademann).
- F. van Kempen, Methodical Design of Distribution Centers (in Dutch), Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 2001 (Promoters: Prof. dr. ir. J.E. Rooda and Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm)
- N. Litvak, Collecting n Items randomly Located on a Circle, Eindhoven University of Technology, EURANDOM Institute, 2002 (Promoters: Prof. dr. J. Wessels and Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm. Co-Promoter: Dr. ir. I.J.B.F. Adan)
- R. Litjens, Capacity Allocation in Wireless Communication Networks – models and analyses, University of Twente, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, 2003 (Promoter: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm. Co-Promoter: Dr. R.J. Boucherie)
- M.F. van Assen, Empirical Studies in Discrete Parts Manufacturing Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Erasmus Research Institute of Management, 2005 (Promoters: Prof. dr. S.L. van de Velde and Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm)
- R.J.I. Basten, Designing logistics support systems – level of repair analysis and spare parts inventories, University of Twente, School of Management and Governance, 2009 (Promoter: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm, Co-Promoters: dr. M.C. van der Heijden, dr. ir. J.M.J. Schutten)
- A.L. Kok, Congestion Avoidance and Break Scheduling within Vehicle Routing, University of Twente, School of Management and Governance, 2010 (Promoter: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm, co-promoters: dr. ir. J.M.J. Schutten, dr. ir. E.W. Hans)
- E.M. Alvarez, The value of customization: on differentiation in service logistics, University of Twente, School of Management and Governance, 2013 (Promoter: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm, co-promoter: dr. M.C. van der Heijden)
- S. Haneyah, Generic Control of Material Handling Systems, University of Twente, School of Management and Governance, 2013 (Promoter: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm, co-promoters: dr. ir. J.M.J. Schutten, dr. P.C. Schuur)
- W. van Heeswijk, Consolidation and Coordination in Urban Freight Transport, University of Twente, School of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, 2017 (Promoter: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm, co-promoters: dr. ir. M.R.K. Mes and dr. ir. J.M.J. Schutten)
- B.B.M. Keers, Alliance Strategy - contents, process and requirements, University of Twente, School of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, 2017 (Promoters: Prof. dr. P.F van Fenema and Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm)
- M.A. Driessen, Integrated Capacity Planning and Inventory Control for Repairable Spare Parts, Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences, 2018 (Promoters: Prof. dr. ir. G.J van Houtum and prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm, co-promoter: dr. ir. W.D. Rustenburg)
- N. Knofius, Additive Manufacturing in After Sales Service Supply Chains, University of Twente, School of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, 2018 (Promoter: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm, co-promoter: dr. M.C. van der Heijden)
- S. Rahimi-Ghahroodi, Integration and Coordination in After-Sales Service Logistics, University of Twente, School of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, 2019 (Promoter: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm, co-promoter: Prof. dr. A. Al Hanbali)
- A. Oblakova, Queueing models for urban traffic networks, University of Twente, School of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science, 2019 (Promoters: Prof. dr. R.J. Boucherie and Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm, co-promoter: dr. J.C.W. van Ommeren, dr. ir. A. Al-Hanbali)
- V. Yazdanpanah, Multi-agent Industrial Symbiosis Systems, University of Twente, School of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, 2019 (Promoters: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm and Prof. dr. J. van Hillegersberg, co-promoter: Dr. D.M. Yazan)
- G. C. van Capelleveen, Industrial Symbiosis Recommender Systems, University of Twente, School of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences, 2020 (Promoters: Prof. dr. W.H.M. Zijm and Prof. dr. J. van Hillegersberg, co-promoters: Dr. D.M. Yazan and dr. C. Amrit)
On april 27, 2001, professor Zijm acted as the honorary Promoter of professor John A. Buzacott, York University, who received the title of Honorary Doctor of the Eindhoven University of Technology, for his pioneering work on the Stochastic Analysis of Manufacturing Systems.
[1] | Zijm, W.H.M. and J.J. Dik (1979), Two inequalities for Poisson probabilities, Proceedings of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, Series A, 82 (1), pp. 79-94, | |
[2] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1979), Bounding functions for Markov Decision Processes in relation to the Spectral Radius, Operations Research Verfahren 33, pp. 461-472, | |
[3] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1980), Determination of the Spectral Radius of a Markov Decision Process, Operations Research Verfahren 37, pp. 487-501, | |
[4] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1981), Nonnegative Matrices, Generalized Eigenvectors and Dynamic Programming, in: G. Fandel et. al. (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 1980, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 492-499, | |
[5] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1983), Generalized Eigenvectors and sets of nonnegative matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications 59, pp. 91-113, | |
[6] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1983), R-theory for countable reducible nonnegative matrices, Stochastics, pp. 243-271, | |
[7] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1983), Nonnegative matrices in Dynamic Programming, Mathematical Centre Tract 167, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam (book), | |
[8] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1983), Multi-chain denumerable Markov Decision Processes: the optimality equations for the average cost criterion, Transactions of the Ninth Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes, Academia (Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), Prague, pp. 299-304, | |
[9] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1983), Continuous-time dynamic programming models, Proceedings of the Fourth Formator Symposium on Mathematical Methods for the Analysis of Large-Scale Systems, Academia (Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences), Prague, pp. 589-602, | |
[10] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1984), Dynamic programming models with general nonnegative matrices, Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technische Hochschule Leipzig 8 (3), pp. 145-153, | |
[11] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1984), The optimality equations in multi-chain denumerable state Markov Decision Processes with the Average Cost Criterion: the unbounded cost case, CQM-note 022, Centre for Quantitative Methods, Philips Industries, | |
[12] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1985), The optimality equations in multi-chain denumerable state Markov Decision Processes with the average cost criterion: the bounded cost case, Statistics and Decisions 3, pp. 143-165, | |
[13] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1987), Asymptotic expansions for dynamic programming recursions with general nonnegative matrices, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 54 (1), pp. 157-191, | |
[14] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1987), Exponential convergence in undiscounted continuous-time Markov Decision Chains, Mathematics of Operations Research 12 (4), pp. 700-717, | |
[15] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1987), Flexible Manufacturing: a requirement of the future, Corporate External Relations Report, speech written for Ir. M. Kuilman, Vice-President of N.V. Philips' Gloeilampenfabrieken, delivered to the Deutsche Gesellschaft fhr Operations Research e.V. and the Nederlandse Stichting voor Operations Research, | |
[16] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1988), Flexible Manufacturing Systems: background, examples and models (invited review) in: H. Schellhaas et. al. (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 1988, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 142-161, | |
[17] | Zijm, W.H.M. and Kok, A.G. de (1989), Production planning and inventory management in a Telecommunication Industry, Engineering Costs and Production Economics 15, pp. 267-276, | |
[18] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1990), The use of mathematical methods in production management (invited review), in: V. Capasso and R. Caselli (eds.), Mathematical Methods for Industrial Problems, ///VSP///, Utrecht, | |
[19] | Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1989), Queuing analysis in flexible assembly system with a job-dependent parallel structure, in D. Pressmar et. al. (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 1988, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 551-558, | |
[20] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1989), Capacity analysis of automatic transport systems in an assembly factory, in J.K. Lenstra et. al. (eds.), Twenty five years of Operations Research in the Netherlands, Liber Amicorum for Prof. Dr. G. de Leve, CWI-Tract 70, Centre for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam (1989), | |
[21] | Zijm, W.H.M. and G. Schuller (1989), The design of mechanizations: reliability, efficiency and flexibility, CQM-report 239, Centre for Quantitative Methods, Philips Industries, | |
[22] | Langenhoff, L.J.G. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1990), An analytical theory of multi-echelon production/distribution systems, Statistica Neerlandica 44 (3), pp. 149-174, | |
[23] | Zijm, W.H.M. and Nelissen, E.H.L.B. (1990), Scheduling a flexible machining centre, Engineering Costs and Production Economics 19, pp. 249-258, | |
[24] | Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1990), Analysis of the symmetric shortest queue problem, Stochastic Models 6 (4), pp. 691-713, | |
[25] | Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1990), The shortest queue problem, in: K.-P. Kistner et al. (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 1989, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 434-441, | |
[26] | Wester, F.A.W., Wijngaard, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1990), Production Planning in a situation with a Mixture of Production to Order and Production to Stock, Working Paper, Department of Industrial Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, | |
[27] | Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1991), Analysis of the asymmetric shortest queue problem, Queueing Systems 8, pp. 1-58, | |
[28] | Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1991), Computational approaches for stochastic multi-echelon production-distribution systems, International Journal of Production Economics 23, pp. 223-237, | |
[29] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1991), De rol van informatiebetrouwbaarheid in de goederenstroombesturing (in Dutch), in: Liber Amicorum Prof. Dr. Ir. W. Bakker, pp. 143-159, | |
[30] | Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1991), Flexible Assembly and Shortest Queue Problems, in: G. Fandel, G. Zäpfel (eds.), Modern Production Concepts: theory and applications, Springer Lecture Notes, pp. 644-659, | |
[31] | Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1991), Analysis of the symmetric shortest queue problem with threshold jockying, Stochastic Models 7 (4), pp. 615-628, | |
[32] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1991), Approximate stochastic dynamic programming: an application to production control, in: Liber Amicorum Prof. Dr. G. de Leve, pp. 163-173, | |
[33] | Ten Kate, H.A., Wijngaard, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1991), Minimizing total weighted earliness, tardiness and setup costs, Working Paper LPMOR-91-8, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Twente, | |
[34] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1991), Operational Control of Automated PCB Assembly lines, in: G. Fandel, G. Zäpfel (eds.), Modern Production Concepts: theory and applications, Springer Lecture Notes, pp. 146-164, | |
[35] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1992), Hierarchical Production Planning and multi-echelon inventory management, International Journal of Production Economics 26, pp. 257-264, | |
[36] | Wester, F.A.W., Wijngaard, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1992), Order acceptance strategies in a Production-to-Order Environment with Set-up times and Due Dates, International Journal of Production Research 30 (6), pp. 1313-1326, | |
[37] | Zijm, W.H.M. and Cleophas, P. (1992), An approximate analysis of a capacitated mixed-to-order/to-stock production environment, Working Paper, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Twente, | |
[38] | Slomp, J., Gaalman, G.J. and Zijm, H. (1992), The impact of a flexible manufacturing system: a case study, in: Proceedings DSI-Conference, Orlando, Vol. 2., pp. 173 - 193, | |
[39] | Laarhoven, P.J.M. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1993), Production Preparation and Numerical Control in PCB assembly, International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems 5 (3), pp.187-207, | |
[40] | Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1993), Analyzing multiprogramming queues by generating functions, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 53 (4), pp. 1123-1131, | |
[41] | Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J., Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1993), A compensation approach for multiprogramming queues, OR-Spektrum 15, pp. 95-106, | |
[42] | Zijm, W.H.M. and Slomp, J. (1993), A manufacturing planning and control system for a Flexible Manufacturing System, Robotics & Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 10 (1/2), pp. 109-114, | |
[43] | Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1993), Matrix-geometric analysis of the shortest queue problem with threshold jockeying, Operations Research Letters 13, pp. 107-112, | |
[44] | Zijm, W.H.M. and Harten, A. van (1993), Process planning for a modular component placement system, International Journal of Production Economics 30-31, pp. 123-135, | |
[45] | Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1993), A compensation approach for two-dimensional Markov Processes, Advances of Applied Probability 25, pp. 783-817 (1993), | |
[46] | Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1993), The effect of varying routing probability in two parallel queues with dynamic routing under a threshold-type scheduling, IEICE Trans. Commun., Vol. E76-B (1), pp. 29-31, | |
[47] | Houtum, G.J. van, Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1993), The compensation approach for three or more dimensional random walks, in: K.-W. Hansmann et al. (eds.), Operations Research Proceedings 1992, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 342-349, | |
[48] | Meester, G.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1993), Multi-resource scheduling of an FMC in discrete parts manufacturing, in M. Munir Ahmad and William G. Sullivan (eds.): Flexible Automation and Integrated manufacturing 1993, CRC Press Inc., Atlanta, pp. 360-370, | |
[49] | Houtum, G.J. van, Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1994), The equilibrium distribution for a class of multi-dimensional random walks, Memorandum COSOR 94-01, Eindhoven University of Technology, Dept. of Math. and Comp. Sci., | |
[50] | Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1994), On multi-stage production/inventory systems under stochastic demand, International Journal of Production Economics 35, pp. 391-400, | |
[51] | Meester, G.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1994), Development of a shop floor control system for hybrid job shops, Working Paper LPOM 94-1, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, submitted for publication to International Journal of Production Economics, | |
[52] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1995), Computer Integrated Manufacturing and Operations Research, Quantitative Methods, nr. 48, pp. 127-137, | |
[53] | Zijm, W.H.M. and H.J. Kals (1995), The integration of process planning and shop floor scheduling in small batch part manufacturing, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 44/1/1995, pp. 429-432, | |
[54] | Houtum, G.J. van, Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1995), Deriving flexible bound models for queueing problems, Working Paper LPOM-95-7, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, | |
[55] | Buitenhek, R., Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1995), A queueing model for a dual resource production problem, Working Paper LPOM-95-17, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, | |
[56] | Buitenhek, R., Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1995), An evaluation of approximate mean value analysis algorithms for closed queueing networks with multiple part types, Working Paper LPOM-95-18, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, | |
[57] | Zijm, W.H.M. and Buitenhek, R. (1996), Capacity Planning and Leadtime Management, International Journal of Production Economics 46-47, pp. 165-179, | |
[58] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1996), Shop floor planning and control for parts manufacturing shops, in: P. van Beek, L. Fortuin and L. van Wassenhove (eds.) : OR at wORk, Taylor and Francis, pp. 111-132, | |
[59] | Houtum, G.J. van, Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1996), On the precedence relation method for deriving flexible bound models for queueing systems, Kwantitatieve Methoden 51, pp. 27-36, | |
[60] | Schutten, J.M.J., Velde, S.L. van de, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1996), Scheduling a single machine with release and due dates and family-dependent set-up times, Management Science 42 (8), pp. 1165-1174, | |
[61] | Houtum, G.J. van, Inderfurth, K. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1996), Materials coordination in stochastic multi-echelon systems, invited review in European Journal of Operational Research 95, pp. 1-23, | |
[62] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1996), Re-engineering production systems: the Royal Netherlands Naval Dockyard, Annals of the CIRP, Vol 45/1/1996, pp. 427-432, | |
[63] | Berg, J.P. van den, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1996), Models of Warehousing systems: a concise review, Working Paper LPOM-96-7, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, | |
[64] | Berg, J.P. van den, Mantel R.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1996), Planning en besturing van intern transport en magazijnsystemen,in: J.P. Duijker, M.B.M. de Koster and M.J. Ploos van Amstel (eds.): Praktijkboek Magazijnen en distributiecentra, ch. 3.5.B, pp. 1-25, | |
[65] | Boer, R. de, Harten, A. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1996), Scheduling multi-processor tasks with precedence constraints and release and due dates, Working paper LPOM-96-9, University of Twente, Department of Mechanical Engineering, | |
[66] | Rouwenhorst, B., Berg, J.P. van den, Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1996), Performance analysis of a carousel system, Progress in Material Handling Research, 495-511, | |
[67] | Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1997), Incomplete convolutions in production and inventory models, Operations Research Spektrum 19, pp. 97-107, | |
[68] | Giebels, M.M.T, Kals, H.J.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1997), Concurrent Manufacturing Planning and Control, Proceedings of the 29th CIRP working seminar on Manufacturing Systems, pp. 133-138, | |
[69] | Houtum, G.J. van, Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1997), Performance analysis of parallel machines with a generalized shortest queue arrival mechanism, Proceedings of the International Workshop on Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Production Lines, | |
[70] | Boer, R. de, Schutten, J.M.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1997), A decision support system for ship maintenance capacity planning, Annals of the CIRP, Vol. 46/1/1997, pp. 391-396, | |
[71] | Houtum, G.J. van, Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1998), Bounds for performance characteristics: a systematic approach via cost structures, Stochastic Models 14 (1&2) pp. 205-224, | |
[72] | Zijm, W.H.M., Kals, H.J.J. and Giebels, M. (1998), Dynamic Manufacturing Planning and Control, in: Production Engineering: research and development (Annals of the German Academic Society for Production Engineering), vol. V(2), pp. 107-110 (1998), | |
[73] | Berg, J.P. van den, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1999), Models for warehouse management: classification and examples, International Journal of Production Economics 59, pp. 519-528, | |
[74] | Buitenhek, R., Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1999), An open queueing model for flexible manufacturing systems with multiple part types and general purpose pallets, in: J. Ashayeri, W.G. Sullivan and M. Munir Ahmad (eds.): Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing 1999, Begell House, Inc., New York, pp. 713-734, | |
[75] | Giebels, M.M.T, Kals, H.J.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1999), A prototype implementation of integrated order planning (ETOPLAN), in: Z. Katz and N.D. du Preez: Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality Manufacturing, Stellenbosch, South Africa, pp. 79-84, | |
[76] | Meester, G.J., Schutten, J.M.J., Velde, S.L. van de, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1999), Shop Floor Scheduling in Discrete Parts Manufacturing, in: A. Villa and P. Brandimarte (eds.), Modeling Manufacturing Systems: From Aggregate Planning to Real-Time Control, Springer, | |
[77] | Giebels, M.M.T, Kals, H.J.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1999), Implementation of an engineer-to-order manufacturing planning system (ETOPLAN), in: J. Ashayeri, W.G. Sullivan and M. Munir Ahmad (eds.): Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing 1999, Begell House, Inc., New York, pp. 621-630, | |
[78] | Zijm, W.H.M. (1999), Operations Research en ketensimulatie, in: T.M.A. Bemelmans, P.M.E. de Braa, M. Looijen en G. van Oortmerssen (red.): ICT (Informatie- en Communicatietechnologie) Zakboekje, PBNA, Arnhem, pp. 339-352 (in Dutch), | |
[79] | Hans, E.W., Gademann, A.J.R.M., Velde, S.L. van de, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1999), Capacity loading by column generation techniques, BETA working paper, Eindhoven University of Technology, Faculty of Technology Management, | |
[80] | Rustenburg, W.D., Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1999), Systeemgericht bevoorraden bij de Koninklijke Marine (in Dutch), in: H. van Delft, M. Smit-Loos (eds.), De toekomst in spare parts en service, Jaarboek 1999, Parts Business Forum, Districon, Maarssen, | |
[81] | Rouwenhorst, B. Berg, J.P. van den, Mantel, R.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (1999), Unitload, a decision support system for warehouse design, International Journal of Flexible Automation and Integrated Manufacturing, 7 (1&2), pp. 115-127, | |
[82] | Assen, M.F. van, Velde, S.L. van de, and Zijm, W.H.M. (1999), Finite Capacity Planning (FCP) in EMTO Discrete Parts Manufacturing Environments: research issues and perspectives, Working Paper, University of Twente, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, | |
[83] | Zijm, W.H.M., Buitenhek, R., Adan, I.J.B.F. and Houtum, G.J. van (2000), Capacity analysis of an automated kit transportation system, Annals of Operations Research 93, pp. 423-446, | |
[84] | Buitenhek, R., Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2000), AMVA based solution procedures for open queueing networks with a population constraint, Annals of Operations Research 93 (2000), pp. 15-40, | |
[85] | Zijm, W.H.M. (2000), Towards Intelligent Manufacturing Planning and Control, invited review in: OR Spektrum 22, pp. 313-345, | |
[86] | Rustenburg, W.D., Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2000), Spare part management for technical systems: resupply of spare parts under limited budgets, IIE Transactions 32, pp. 1013-1026 (2000), | |
[87] | Dallery Y, Liberopoulos G, and Zijm W.H.M. (2000), Editorial (special issue of Design and Manufacturing on Decentralized Control of Manufacturing Systems). IIE Transactions 32(10): pp. v-vi. | |
[88] | Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2000), On the relation between cost and service models for general inventory systems, Statistica Neerlandica 54 (2), pp. 127-147, | |
[89] | Rouwenhorst, B., Reuter, B., Stockrahm, V., Houtum, G.J. van, Mantel, R.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2000), Warehouse Design and Control: a framework and a literature review, invited review in: European Journal of Operational Research 122, pp. 515-533. | |
[90] | Rustenburg, W.D., Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2001), Spare parts management at complex technology-based organizations: an agenda for research, International Journal of Production Economics 71, pp. 177-193, | |
[91] | Assen, M.F. van, Velde, S.L. van de, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2001), De onoverkomelijkheden van het MRP paradigma: planning binnen een tijdgebaseerde bedrijfsvoering versus kostengebaseerde bedrijfsvoering (in Dutch), Bedrijfskunde, Vol. 73 (4), pp. 55-64, | |
[92] | Giebels, M.M.T, Kals, H.J.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2001), Building holarchies for concurrent manufacturing planning and control in ETOPLAN, Computers in Industry, 46 (3). pp. 301-314. , | |
[93] | Houtum, G.J. van, Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2001), Performance analysis of parallel machines with a generalized shortest queue arrival mechanism, OR Spektrum, vol. 23, pp. 411-428 (2001), | |
[94] | Litvak, N., Adan, I.J.B.F., Wessels, J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2001), Order picking in carousel systems under the nearest item heuristic, Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 15, pp. 135-164, | |
[95] | Heragu, S., Meng, G., Ommeren, J.C.W. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2001), Design and Analysis of Reconfigurable Layout Systems, Working Paper, University of Twente, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences (2001), submitted to IIE Transactions. | |
[96] | Heragu, S., Meng, G., Ommeren, J.C.W. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2001), Analysis of Cellular Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the FAIMS 2001 Conference, Dublin, Ireland, | |
[97] | Heragu, S.S. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2001), Design and Performance Evaluation of Agile Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the Tenth Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Dallas, Texas, | |
[98] | Rustenburg, W.D., Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2001), Spare Parts Management bij de Nederlandse Koninklijke Marine, Bedrijfskunde, vol. 73, pp. 28-39, | |
[99] | Rustenburg, W.D., Busters, B., Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2002), Los tratamientos del sistema de gestión de recambios permiten reducciones de costes significativas y controladas (The application of replacement management systems allow for significant and controlled cost reductions), Ingenieria y Gestión de Mantemimiento 25 (sept/oct 2002), pp. 29-37, | |
[100] | Avsar, Z.M. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2002), Capacitated Two-Echelon Inventory Models for Repairable Item Systems, in: S.B. Gershwin et al. (eds.): Analysis and Modeling of Manufacturing Systems, pp. 1-36, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, | |
[101] | Heragu, S.S., Meng, G. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2002), Performance Analysis of Adaptive Layout Systems, in: Proceedings of the Eleventh Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Orlando, FL, May 19-21, 2002 (publication on CD-ROM, Institute of Industrial Engineers). | |
[102] | Zijm, W.H.M. and Avsar, Z.M. (2003), Capacitated two-indenture models for repairable item systems, Int. Journal of Production Economics 81-82, pp. 573-588, | |
[103] | Meng, G., Heragu, S.S. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2003), A Framework and Methodology for Layout Conversion, Proceedings of the Twelfth Industrial Engineering Research Conference, Portland, OR, May 17-21, | |
[104] | Shanthikumar, J.G., Yao, D.D. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2003), Stochastic Modeling and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems and Supply Chains, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston (book), | |
[105] | Rustenburg, W.D., Houtum, G.J. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2003), Exact and Approximate Analysis of multi-echelon, multi-indenture spare parts systems with commonality, in: J.G. Shanthikumar, D.D. Yao and W.H.M. Zijm (eds.): Stochastic Modeling and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems and Supply Chains, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 143-176. | |
[106] | Zijm, W.H.M. (2003), A tribute to John A. Buzacott, in J.G. Shanthikumar, D.D. Yao and W.H.M. Zijm (eds.): Stochastic Modeling and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems and Supply Chains, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1-5. | |
[107] | Heragu, S.S., Meng, G. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2004), Reconfigurable Layout Problem (with S.S. Heragu and G. Meng), International Journal of Production Research, vol. 42, no. 22, pp. 4709-4729, | |
[108] | Spanjers, L., Ommeren, J.C.W. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2005), Closed-loop two-echelon repairable item systems, OR Spektrum, vol. 27, pp. 369-398, | |
[109] | Zijm, W.H.M. (2005), Omringd door zee: ontdekkingsreizen, in: A.H. Flierman en W.H.M. Zijm, Omringd door zee, Rector's address Opening Academic Year 2005-2006, University of Twente, Exec. Board publ., pp. 17-31, | |
[110] | Zijm, W.H.M. (2005), Ontwerpgericht onderzoek als basis voor innovatie, in: B. Elzen en W. de Ridder, Innovatie en Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling, SMO, Den Haag, pp. 7-14, | |
[111] | Zijm, W.H.M. (2005), Een academische paradox, Rector's address Dies Natalis 2005, University of Twente, | |
[112] | Zijm, W.H.M. (2006), Universiteit Twente: Motor voor Innovatie, Rector's address Dies Natalis 2006, University of Twente, | |
[113] | Zijm, W.H.M. (2007), De Millenniumdoelstellingen, Rector's address Dies Natalis 2007, University of Twente, | |
[114] | Heragu, S.S., Meng, G. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2007), Stochastic Models for Facilities Logistics, in M. Lahmar (Ed.), Facility Logistics: Approaches and Solutions to Next Generation Challenges, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp. 127-152. | |
[115] | Zijm, W.H.M. (2008), Footprints of Science – Wetenschap, technologie en samenleving: keuzes en dilemma’s, Rector's address Dies Natalis 2008, University of Twente, pp. 3-26, | |
[116 | Zijm, H. (2009), De Uitdaging, in: H. Procée (ed.): “Wetenschap en Werkelijkheid – Honoursprogramma Universiteit Twente”, University of Twente Honours Programme Press, pp. 148-150, ISBN: 978-90-813906-1-3, | |
[117] | Zijm, H. and Timmer, J. (2008), Coordination mechanisms for inventory control in three-echelon serial and distribution systems, Annals of Operations Research, vol. 158 (1), pp. 161-182, | |
[118] | Meng, G., Heragu, S.S. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2009), Two-level Analysis of Manufacturing Systems with Cells or Departments, International Journal of Production Research, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 2301-2326, | |
[119] | Avsar, Z.M., Zijm, W.H. and Rodoplu, Ul (2009), An approximate model for base-stock controlled assembly systems, IIE Transactions 41, pp. 260–274, | |
[120] | Kok, A.L., Hans, E.W., Schutten, J.M.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2010), A dynamic programming heuristic for vehicle routing with time-dependent travel times and required breaks, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 22 (1-2). pp. 83-108. ISSN 1936-6582. | |
[121] | Douma, A.M. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2010), Aligning barge and terminal operations in the Port of Rotterdam by means of a Multi-Agent system, Working Paper, University of Twente, School of Management and Governance, | |
[122] | Haneyah, S.W.A., Hurink, J.L., Schutten, J.M.J., Schuur, P.C. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2011), Planning and Control of Automated Material Handling Systems: The Merge Module, in: Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society 2011, 1-3 Sep 2010, Munich, Germany, | |
[123] | Avsar, Z.M. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2012), Erratum to "Capacitated two-indenture models for repairable item systems", International Journal of Production Economics, 135 (2). 997 - 997. ISSN 0925-5273, | |
[124] | Alvarez, E.M., Heijden, M.C. van der, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2013), The selective use of emergency shipments for service-contract differentiation, International Journal of Production Economics, 143 (2). 518 - 526. ISSN 0925-5273, | |
[125] | Alvarez, E.M., Heijden, M.C. van der, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2013), Service differentiation in spare parts supply through dedicated stocks, Annals of Operations Research. ISSN 0254-5330, | |
[126] | Haneyah, S.W.A., Schutten, J.M.J., Schuur, P.C. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2013), Generic planning and control of automated material handling systems : practical requirements versus existing theory, Computers in industry, 64 (3). 177 - 190. ISSN 0166-3615 (2013) | |
[127] | Haneyah, S.W.A., Schutten, J.M.J., Schuur, P.C. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2013), Application of a generic control architecture for automated material handling system, in: 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), Reykjavik, | |
[128] | Haneyah, S.W.A., Schutten, J.M.J., Schuur, P.C. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2013), A generic material flow control model applied in two industrial sectors, Computers in Industry, 64 (6). 663 - 677. ISSN 0166-3615, | |
[129] | Behfard, S., Heijden, M.C. van der, Al Hanbali, A.M., Zijm, W.H.M. (2013), Last time buy and repair decisions for spare parts, Internal Research Report, University of Twente, | |
[130] | Yazan, D.M., Kooijman, A., Clancy, J., Kersten, S., Zijm, H., Mes, M., Duren, I. van (2013), A comparative supply chain sustainability evaluation of mobile pyrolysis plants and pyrolysis-based bio-refineries, in: Biorefinery for Food, Fuel and Materials symposium, 7-10 April 2013, Wageningen, 7-10 April 2013, Wageningen, p. 113, | |
[131] | Alvarez, E.M., Heijden, M.C. van der, Vliegen, I.M.H. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2014), Service differentiation through selective lateral transshipments, European Journal of Operational Research, 237 (3). 824 - 835. ISSN 0377-2217, | |
[132] | Avsar, Z.M. and Zijm, W. H. (2014), Approximate queueing models for capacitated multi-stage inventory systems under base-stock control, European Journal of Operational Research, 236 (1). 135 - 146. ISSN 0377-2217, | |
[133] | Fenema, P. C. van, Keers, B. and Zijm, H. (2014), Interorganizational shared services: creating value across organizational boundaries, in: Tanya Bondarouk (Ed.), Shared Services as a New Organizational Form. Advanced Series in Management (13). Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, 175 -. ISBN 9781783505357, | |
[134] | Heeswijk, W.J.A. van, Mes, M.R.K., Schutten, J.M.J., and Zijm, W.H.M. (2014), Freight consolidation in networkds with transshipments, [Report] | |
[135] | Keers, B.B.M., Fenema, P.C. van, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2014), Managing Organizational Fit for Successful Service Alliances, in: PMA Conference on Performance Management: Designing the High-Performance Organization, Aarhus, Denmark, 25-06-2014 - 27-06-2014, pp. 918 - 938, | |
[136] | Alvarez, E.M., Heijden, M.C. van der, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2015), Service differentiation in spare parts supply through dedicated stocks. Annals of Operations Research, 231 (1), pp. 283 - 303. ISSN 0254-5330, | |
[137] | Behfard, S., Heijden, M.C. van der, Al Hanbali, A.M. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2015), Last time buy and repair decisions for spare parts. European Journal of Operational Research, 244 (2), pp. 498 - 510. ISSN 0377-2217, | |
[138] | Yazan, D.M., Cafagna, D. Mes, M. Fraccascia, L., Ponfrandolfo, P., and Zijm, H. (2015), Economic sustainability of biogas production from animal manure: A regional circular economy model, in: Circular Economy Inspiring Sustainable Innovation, The 4th GIN symposium, 11-11-2015 - 13-11-2015, Mexico City, submitted to Management Research Review, | |
[139] | Al Hanbali, A.M. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2016), Integrated service engineers and spare parts planning in the maintenance logistics. in: POMS 27th annual conference, 06-05-2016 - 09-05-2016, Orlando, | |
[140] | Al Hanbali, A., Rahimi-Ghahroodi, S. and Zijm, H. (2016), Integrated resource planning in maintenance logistics. ERCIM news, 2016 (105), pp. 35 - 36. ISSN 0926-4981, | |
[141] | Heeswijk, W.J.A. van, Mes, M.R.K., Schutten, J.M.J. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2016), Freight consolidation in intermodal networks with reloads. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, ISSN 1936-6582, | |
[142] | Knofius, N., Heijden, M. van der, and Zijm, W.H.M. (2016), Selecting parts for additive manufacturing in service logistics. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 27 (7). ISSN 1741-038X, | |
[143] | Oblakova, A., Al Hanbali, A., Boucherie, R., van Ommeren, J. C. W. & Zijm, H. (2019), An exact root-free method for the expected queue length for a class of discrete-time queueing systems. In : Queueing systems. 92, 3-4, p. 257-292 | |
[144] | Rahimi-Ghahroodi, S., Al Hanbali, A.M., Zijm, W.H.M., Ommeren, J.C.W. van, and Sleptchenko, A. (2016), Integrated resource planning in maintenance logistics with spare parts emergency shipment and service engineers backlogging. [Report], | |
[145] | Yazan, D. Y., and Duren, I. van, Mes, M. Kersten, S., Clancy, J. and Zijm, H. (2016), Design of sustainable second-generation biomass supply chains. Biomass and Bioenergy, 94 . pp. 173-186. ISSN 0961-9534, | |
[146] | Zijm, H. (2016), Trends and challenges in logistics and supply chain management. ERCIM news, 2016 (105). 3 -. ISSN 0926-4981, | |
[147] | Zijm, H. and Klumpp, M. (2016), Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Developments and Trends. in: Henk Zijm & Matthias Klumpp & Uwe Clausen & Michael Hompel (Eds.), Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. Lecture notes in logistics. Springer International Publishing, pp. 1 - 20. ISBN 978-3-319-22287-5, | |
[148] | Zijm, H. and Klumpp, M. (2016), Future Logistics: What to Expect, How to Adapt, in: M. Freitag et al. (Eds.), Dynamics in Logistics, Lecture Notes in Logistics. Springer International Publishing, pp. 365-379. ISBN 978-3-319-45116-9, | |
[149] | Zijm, H., Klumpp, M., Clausen, U. and Hompel, M. ten (Eds.) (2016), Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice, Lecture notes in logistics. Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-319-22287-5 (book), | |
[150] | Zijm, H., Klumpp, M., Clausen, U. and Hompel, M. ten (2016), Preface. in: Zijm, H., Klumpp, M., Clausen, U. and Hompel, M. ten (Eds.), Logistics and Supply Chain Innovation: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice. Lecture Notes in Logistics. Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. I - XXII. ISBN 978-3-319-22287-5, | |
[151] | Zijm, H. and Klumpp, M. (2016), Logistik der Zukunft: Physical Internet als Verbindung von Individualisierung und Informationsintegration, Logistik für Unternehmen 1/2-2016, pp. 51-54, | |
[152] | Sleptchenko, A., Al Hanbali, A. and Zijm, W.H.M. (2016), Optimizing maintenance resource planning with outsourcing, Report University of Twente, submitted to MSOM, | |
[153] | Yazdanpanah, V., Dastani, M. and Zijm, H. (2016), Graded Group Responsibility – A Power-Based Approach, Report University of Twente, 10th Collective Intentionality Conference (31-8-2016), | |
[154] | Yazdanpanah, V., Yazan, D. and Zijm, H. (2016), Normative Industrial Symbiotic Networks – A Position Paper, Multi-Agent Systems and Agreement Technologies, pp. 314-321. | |
[155] | Yazdanpanah, V., Yazan, D. and Zijm, H. (2016), A Communication Plan for Improving Industry Engagement in the SHAREBOX Project, Report University of Twente, | |
[156] | Keers, B.B.M., Fenema, P.C. van, Zijm, W.H.M. (2016), An Organizational Perspective on Operations Alignment and Alliance Formation, Report University of Twente, | |
[157] | Yazan, D.M., Fraccascia, L., Mes, M. and Zijm, H. (2016), Cooperation in manure-based biogas production networks: an agent-based modelling approach, Report University of Twente, | |
[158] | Keers, B.B.M. Fenema, P.C. van, Zijm, W.H.M. (2017), Understanding organizational change for alliancing, Journal of Organizational Change Management 30 (5), pp. 823-838, | |
[159] | Rahimi-Ghahroodi, S., Al Hanbali, A.M., Zijm, W.H.M., Ommeren, J.C.W. van, Sleptchenko, A. (2017), Integrated planning of spare parts and service engineers with partial backlogging, OR Spectrum 39 (3), pp. 711-748, | |
[160] | Knofius, N., van der Heijden, M.C., Zijm, W.H.M. (2019), Consolidating spare parts for asset maintenance with additive manufacturing. In : International journal of production economics. 208, p. 269-280 | |
[161] | Keers, B.B.M, van Fenema, P.C., Zijm, W.H.M. (2017), Internal and External Structural Fit, International Journal of Operations & Production Management | |
[162] | Knofius, N., van der Heijden M.C., Sleptchenko, A., Zijm, W.H.M. (2017), Improving effectiveness of spare part supply by additive manufacturing as dual sourcing option, Beta working paper series, No. 530, | |
[163] | Van Heeswijk, W.J.A.; Mes, M. R.K.; Schutten, J. M.J.; Zijm, W. H.M. (2018), Freight consolidation in intermodal networks with reloads. Flexible services and Manufacturing journal, Vol. 30, No. 3, p. 452-485 | |
[164] | Van Capelleveen, G; Amrit, Ch.,; Yazan, D.M., Zijm, H. (2018), The influence of knowledge in the design of a recommender system to facilitate industrial symbiosis markets. Environmental modelling & Software, Vo. 110, pp. 139-152. | |
[165] | Knofius, N. , van der Heijden, M. C. , & Zijm, W. H. M. (2019). Moving to additive manufacturing for spare parts supply. Computers in industry, 113, [103134]. | |
[166] | Yazan, D.M.; Cafagna, D.; Fraccascia, L.; Mes, M.; Pontrandolfo, P.; Zijm, H. 9J(2018), Economic sustainability of biogas production from animal manure : a regional circular economy model. Management Research Review, 02.04.2018. | |
[167] | Behfard, S.; Al Hanbali, A.; van der Heijden, M. C.; Zijm, W. H.M. (2018), Last Time Buy and repair decisions for fast moving parts. International journal of production economics, Vol. 197, p. 158-173. | |
[168] | Yazan, D.M.; Fraccascia, L.; Mes, M.; Zijm, H. (2018), Cooperation in manure-based biogas production networks : An agent-based modeling approach. Applied Energy, Vol. 212, p. 820-833. | |
[169] | Rahimi Ghahroodi, S. , Al Hanbali, A. , Zijm, H. , & Timmer, J. (2020). Multi-resource emergency supply contracts with asymmetric information in the after-sales service. International journal of production economics, 229, [107761]. | |
[170] | Zijm, H., Klumpp. M., Regattieri, A., Heragu, S. (eds.) (2018), Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Lecture Notes in Logistics, Springer Publishing Company, Cham (ISBN978-3-319-92446-5) (book), | |
[171] | Klumpp. M., Zijm, H., Heragu, S., Regattieri, A. (2018), Objectives, Educational Developments and Structure of the Book. In: Zijm, H. et al. (eds.), Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Lecture Notes in Logistics, Springer Publishing Company, Cham, 2018, p. 3-14. | |
[172] | Zijm, H., Heragu, S., Klumpp. M., Regattieri, A. (2018). Perspectives on Operations Management Developments and Research. In: Zijm, H. et al. (eds.), Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Lecture Notes in Logistics, Springer Publishing Company, Cham, 2018, p. 15-25. | |
[173] | Zijm, H., Klumpp. M., Regattieri, A., Heragu, S. (2018), Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Definitions and Objectives. In: Zijm, H. et al. (eds.), Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Lecture Notes in Logistics, Springer Publishing Company, Cham, 2018, p. 27-42. | |
[174] | Zijm, H. (2018), Manufacturing Systems. In: Zijm, H. et al. (eds.), Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Lecture Notes in Logistics, Springer Publishing Company, Cham, 2018, p. 75-95. | |
[175] | Zijm, H., Regattieri, A. (2018), Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems. In: Zijm, H. et al. (eds.), Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Lecture Notes in Logistics, Springer Publishing Company, Cham, 2018, p. 251-271. | |
[176] | Zijm, H., Schutten, M. (2018), Advanced Production Planning and Scheduling Systems. In: Zijm, H. et al. (eds.), Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Lecture Notes in Logistics, Springer Publishing Company, Cham, 2018, p. 417-439. | |
[177] | Zijm, H., (2018), Stochastic Inventory Models. In: Zijm, H. et al. (eds.), Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Lecture Notes in Logistics, Springer Publishing Company, Cham, 2018, p. 441-467 | |
[178 | Zijm, H., Knofius, N., van der Heijden, M. (2018), Additive Manufacturing and its impact on the supply chain. In Zijm, H. et al. (eds Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Lecture Notes in Logistics, Springer Publishing Company, Cham, 2018, p. 521-543 | |
[179] | Sleptchenko, A; Al Hanbali, A; Zijm, H. (2018), Joint planning of service engineers and spare parts. European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 271 (1), p. 97-108 | |
[180] | Yazdanpanah, V; Yazan, D.M.; Zijm, H. (2018), Industrial Symbiotic Networks as Coordinated Games. arXiv:1804.07183v1 [cs.MA] 19 Apr 2018 | |
[181] | Klumpp, M.; Zijm, H. (2018), Logistics Innovation and Social Sustainability: How to Prevent an Artificial Divide in Human-Machine Interaction. Journal of Business Logistics, 2019, 40(3): 265–278 |
[182] | Driessen, M.A.; van Houtum, G.J.; Zijm, W.H.M.; Rustenburg, W.D. (2018), Capacity assignment in repair shops with high material uncertainty. Working Paper, University of Twente, submitted for publication to International Journal of Production Economics | |
[183] | Oblakova, A.; Al Hanbali, A.; Boucherie, R.J.; van Ommeren, J.C.W.; Zijm, W.H.M. (2018), Roots, symmetry and contour integrals in queueing systems. Memorandum Faculty of Mathematical Sciences University of Twente | |
[184] | Oblakova, A.; Al Hanbali, A.; Boucherie, R.J.; van Ommeren, J.C.W.; Zijm, W.H.M. (2018), Green Wave Analysis in a Tandem of Traffic-Light Intersections. Memorandum Faculty of Mathematical Sciences University of Twente. | |
[185] | Zijm, W.H.M. (2018), Sustainable Systems Engineering. Valedictory Lecture, presented at June 7, 2018. Working Paper, University of Twente. | |
[186] | Van Heeswijk, W. J. A. , Mes, M. , Schutten, M. , & Zijm, H. (Accepted/In press). Evaluating urban logistics schemes using agent-based simulation. Transportation science. | |
[187] | Fraccascia, L. , Yazan, D. M., Albino, V. , & Zijm, H. (2020). The Role of Redundancy in Industrial Symbiotic Business Development: A Theoretical Framework Explored by Agent-Based Simulation. International journal of production economics, 221, [197471]. | |
[188] | Driessen, M. A. , van Houtum, G. J. , Zijm, W. H. M., & Rustenburg, W. D. (2020). Capacity assignment in repair shops with high material uncertainty. International journal of production economics, 221, [107484]. | |
[189] | Rahimi Ghahroodi, S. , Al Hanbali, A. , Zijm, H. , & Timmer, J. (2020). Multi-resource emergency supply contracts with asymmetric information in the after-sales service. International journal of production economics, 229, [107761]. | |
[190] | Yazdanpanah, V., Yazan, D. M. & Zijm, W. H. M. (2019), FISOF: A Formal Industrial Symbiosis Opportunity Filtering Method. In : Engineering applications of artificial intelligence. 81, p. 247-259 | |
[191] | Zijm, Henk M. and Heragu, Sunderesh S., "Supply Chain Disruptors and their Impact on the Future of Manufacturing, Logistics, and Distribution" (2023). 16th Proceedings (Dresden, Germany- 2023). 26. |
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