Ex-colleague of UTIPS, currently working as an associate professor at the NTNU in Norway. Online available publications are downloadable at the bottom of this page.
PhD thesis
- Boer, L. de. Operations Research in support of purchasing. Design of a toolbox for supplier selection. PhD Thesis University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, September 1998.
- Boer, L. de. Supplier selection: strategies and tools. Forthcoming with Chandos Publishers, Oxford, United Kingdom.
International scientific journals
- Telgen, J. and Boer, L. de. Compliance with EC-directives in the Netherlands. PublicProcurement Law Review, 6, pp. 121-127, 1997.
- Boer, L. de, Wegen, L.L.M. van der and Telgen, J., Outranking methods in support of purchasing. European Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, pp. 109-118, vol. 4, no. 2/3, June/September 1998.
- Boer, L. de and Telgen, J. Purchasing practice in Dutch municipalities. International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management, pp. 31-36, vol. 34, no. 2, Spring 1998.
- Boer, L. de, Dijkhuizen, G.C. van and Telgen, J. A basis for modelling the costs of supplier selection: the Economic Tender Quantity. Journal of the Operational Research Society, pp. 1128-1135, vol. 51, 2000.
- Boer, L. de, Labro, E. and Morlacchi, P. A review of methods supporting supplier selection. European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, pp. 75-89, vol. 7, no. 2, 2001.
- Boer, L. de, Harink, J.H.A. and Heijboer, G.J. A conceptual model for assessing the impact of electronic procurement. European Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, pp. 25-33, vol. 8, no. 1, 2002.
- Boer, L. de, Looman, A. and Ruffini, F.A.J. Designing ordering and inventory management methodologies for purchased parts. Journal of Supply Chain Management. A global Review of Purchasing and Supply, pp. 22-29, Spring, 2002.
- Boer, L. de and Wegen, L.L.M. van der. Practice and promise of formal supplier selection: a study of four empirical cases. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, pp. 109-118, 2003.
- Boer, L. de, Ebben, M.J.R. and Pop-Sitar, C. Studying purchasing specialization in organizations: a multi-agent simulation approach. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, pp. 199-206, 2003.
- Boer, L. de, Holmen, E. and Pop-Sitar, C. Purchasing as an organizational design problem: the case of non-product related items and services. Management Decision, 2003.
- Boer, L. de, and Wijnhoven, A.B.J.M. Cybermediary impact on complex purchasing expertise: an empirical analysis of opportunities.
- Boer, L. de, and Ebben, M.J.R. Multi agent simulation of purchasing activities in organisations
- Boer, L. de and Heijboer, G.J. ETQ-DSS: a decision support system for deciding on the number of tenders
Accepted papers for international scientific conferences
- Boer, L. de, Buter, J.I.H. and Telgen, J. Purchasing as a multi-disciplinary science. In: Biemans, W.G. and Ghauri, P.N., (eds.) Meeting the challenges of New Frontiers, Proceedings of the 10th Annual IMP Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, September 1994.
- Boer, L. de and Stekelenborg, R.H.A. van. Decision support for purchasing. In: Cox, A. (ed.) Power and Efficiency in Supply and Value Chain Management Proceedings of the 4th Annual IPSERA Conference, Birmingham, UK, April 1995.
- Boer, L. de and Telgen, J. Developments in purchasing of non-production items. In: Cox, A. (ed.) Power and Efficiency in Supply and Value Chain Management Proceedings of the 4th Annual IPSERA Conference, Birmingham, UK, April 1995.
- Boer, L. de. Purchasing meets Operations Research. In: Weele, A.J. van (ed) Heading for new frontiers in purchasing and supply management Proceedings of the 5th Annual IPSERA Conference, Eindhoven, April 1996.
- Telgen, J. and Boer, L. de. Government purchasing in the Netherlands. Paper presented at the 6th Annual IPSERA Conference, Napels, Italy, April 1997.
- Boer, L. de. Designing decision strategies for purchasing. Paper presented at IPSERA Workshop. Purchasing decision making at the University of Twente, October, 1997.
- Boer, L. de. Designing decision strategies for purchasing. Results from an experimental study. In: Lamming (ed.) Supply strategies: concepts and practice at the leading edge Proceedings of the 7th Annual IPSERA Conference, April, London, 1998.
- Boer, L. de. On millennium-proof decision making in purchasing and supply. In: Erridge, A, Fee, R. and McIlroy, J. (eds.) Perspectives on Purchasing and Supply for the Millennium, proceedings of 8th International IPSERA Conference, Belfast and Dublin, March 1999
- Boer, L. de and Pop-Sitar, C.E. DEA as a tool for purchasing control. Paper presented at the 9th International Annual IPSERA Conference London Ontario, May 2000.
- Boer, L. de and Pop-Sitar, C.E. Managing purchasing of Non-Product Related (NPR) goods and services – on horizontal frictions and vertical ignorance. paper presented at the 10th International Annual IPSERA Conference Joenkoping Sweden, April 2001.
- Boer, L. de, Harink, J.H.A. Harink and Heijboer, G.J. A model for assessing the impact of Electronic Procurement Forms. paper presented at the 10th International Annual IPSERA Conference Joenkoping Sweden, April 2001.
- Heijboer, G.J. and Boer, L. de. Optimal number of tenders in practice. paper presented at the 10th International Annual IPSERA Conference Joenkoping Sweden, April 2001
- Boer, L. de, Ebben, M.J.R. and Pop-Sitar, C. Intelligent agents technology in studying the division of purchasing activities in organizations. paper presented at the 11th International Annual IPSERA Conference, Enschede, The Netherlands, April 2002.
- Boer, L. de. Modelling bounded rationality in supplier selection. paper presented at the 12th International Annual IPSERA Conference, Budapest, Hungary, April 2003.
Workings papers and international professional publications:
- Boer, L. de and Wegen, L.L.M. van der. An outranking approach to supplier selection. Working paper University of Twente, October 1996.
- Boer, L. de. Operations Research in support of purchasing decision-making. Business Briefing: European Purchasing and Logistics Strategies, World Market Research Centre, pp.140-144, 1999.
- Boer, L. de. Purchasing power. Team Purchasing Decisions The European guide for purchasing and logistics professionals, ICM International Publishing, pp. 24-27, 2000.
- Boer, L. de. Veranderung der begrenzten Rationalitat im Beschaffungsmanagement. (German: Moving (the) bounds to rationality in supplier selection) in: (Eds.) Boutellier, R., Wagner, S.M. and Wehrli, H.P., Hanser Verlag, Munchen, pp. 179-196, 2003.
Articles in the Dutch scientific and professional literature
- Boer, L. de and Telgen, J. Inkoopmanagement bij gemeenten. Resultaten van een landelijk onderzoek. Working paper University of Twente and also published in Binnenlands Bestuur, May, 1994.
- Boer, L. de and Telgen, J., Aanbestedingen door gemeenten. Een onderzoek naar de naleving van de EG-richtlijnen. Working paper University of Twente and also published in Binnenlands Bestuur, May, 1995.
- Boer, L. de, Telgen, J. and Woudstra, A. Inkoopmanagement bij gemeenten. Openbare Uitgaven, jaargang 27, no. 5, 1995.
- Boer, L. de. First IFPMM Summerschool on Advanced Purchasing Research. Nevizier, jaargang 2, no. 5, October 1995.
- Boer, L. de, Telgen, J. and Woudstra, A. Inkoopmanagement bij gemeenten. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop & Logistiek, jaargang 11, no. 11, November 1995.
- Boer, L. de. Inkoopwijsheid uit het Oosten. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop & Logistiek, jaargang 11, no. 9, September 1995.
- Boer, L. de, Een inkoopportfoliomodel voor handelsartikelen. In: Buter and Ederveen (eds.) Praktijkboek Professioneel Inkoopmanagement, Kluwer Publishers, Deventer, 1996.
- Boer, L. de and Lier, M. Milieu als inkoopwapen. In: Buter and Ederveen (eds.) Praktijkboek Professioneel Inkoopmanagement, Kluwer Publishers, Deventer, 1996.
- Boer, L. de and Ruffini, F.A.J., Inkoop en de goederenstroombeheersing. In: Buter and Ederveen (eds.) Praktijkboek Professioneel Inkoopmanagement, Kluwer Publishers, Deventer, 1996.
- Boer, L. de, Het inkoopportfoliomodel van Kraljic nader beschouwd. In: Buter and Ederveen (eds.) Praktijkboek Professioneel Inkoopmanagement, Kluwer Publishers, Deventer, 1996.
- Boer, L. de, Het EOQ-model en de wereld van het wetenschappelijk bestellen. In: Buter and Ederveen (eds.) Praktijkboek Professioneel Inkoopmanagement, Kluwer Publishers, Deventer, 1996.
- Boer, L. de, Professionalisering van de inkoopfunctie raakt ook de besluitvorming. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop & Logistiek, jaargang 12, no. 12, December 1996.
- Boer, L. de., Kiezen uit offertes is zo makkelijk nog niet. In: Buter and Ederveen (eds.) Praktijkboek Professioneel Inkoopmanagement, Kluwer Publishers, Deventer, 1997.
- Telgen, J. and Boer, L. de and Zomer, G.R., Inkoopmanagement in Nederlandse zorginstellingen. Logistiek Actueel, 1, pp. 3-4, 1997.
- Boer, L. de, Gereedschapskist voor leveranciersselectie. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop & Logistiek, jaargang 15, no. 4, pp. 9-12, April 1999
- Boer, L. de, Partnerships vaak meer woorden dan daden. Vraag & Aanbod, Kluwer, 1999.
- Boer, L. de,. Vaardig beslissen over Make-or-buy als kerncompetentie. Vraag & Aanbod, Kluwer, Maart 2000.
- Boer, L. de,. Betekenis Besliskunde voor inkoopfunctie. Bedrijfskundig Vakblad, no.4, pp. 17-23, Mei 2000.
- Boer, L. de, Goedhart, M. en Wegen, L.L.M. van der. Een beslissingsmodel voor het kiezen van de juiste aanbestedingsstrategie. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop & Logistiek, pp. 10-13, Mei 2002.
- Gelderman, K., Boer, L. de, en Dam, C. van, Stappenplan voor succesvolle toepassing van de inkoopportfolio. Tijdschrift voor Inkoop & Logistiek, Juli/Augustus 2002.