The European Cross-Cultural Experience (ECCE) Micro-module (2EC)
Do you have an adventurous spirit? Get a taste of European cultural differences!
Do you dare to leave your cultural comfort zone and prepare yourself for a career abroad or with foreign colleagues?
This brand-new Micro-module is an excellent opportunity to get thoroughly acquainted with three very different national cultures within Europe. Plus, that you will be challenged to reflect on your own culture.
Now that it is more difficult to go abroad because of Covid, we offer you a virtual journey of 9 weeks through 4 different European countries: Portugal, France, the Netherlands and Lithuania. You will study a paper and 4 cases concerning the culture of each country. You will discuss these cases with the teachers during interactive sessions which will be followed by a deepening lecture on each country. During the journey you will collaborate in mixed cultural teams, meeting students from the three other countries. Finally, you will write an individual paper on a cultural subject of your choice. The total study load is 2 ECTS, but apart from that this Micro-module will be a nice add-on to your C.V., testifying your international orientation.
The Micro-module is open to all students of INSA Toulouse, University of Aveiro, University of Twente and Kaunas University of Technology. But there is only place for 10 students per country, so be quick! For more information and registering (possibly before the 24th of January 2022) contact the teacher from your university: Luís Branco: (Aveiro), Barbara Moore: (Toulouse), Marija Vėžienė: (Kaunas), and Arnold Enklaar: (Twente).