Previous Activities

Relaxing with Dogs 

On 8 November 2023 BMS organised a 'Relaxing with Dogs' event in cooperation with DogsWork. During this event students had the opportunity to connect and participate in activities with different dogs. Luckily, it remained dry throughout the activity.

A big "Thank you" to all the students, colleagues and the wonderful people of Dogswork for making this such a succesful event. 

Tubantia made a video about the event (in Dutch).

See the pictures below for an impression of the day. More pictures can be found on our instagram account @bmsstudentwellbeing.

Singelloop 2023

On 10 September 2023 the first BMS Well-being running team participated in the Singelloop. Although it was a very hot edition, all runners were able to make it to the finish line!

What students had to say:

Running in 25°C was definitely a challenge, but the whole vibe and experience was really special and made it totally worth it! Families and friends were cheering from the sidelines, there was live music and little children handed out high fives for some extra support. What a day!

What students had to say:

Joining the UTwente well-being team for the city singelloop was a leap out of my comfort zone. While I may not have been the fastest, completing those 8km was a personal triumph. Each step taught me about determination, patience, and the joy of overcoming challenges. Thank you for the opportunity to have such a wonderful experience! Eagerly awaiting the next run!

The first BMS Well-being running team, including our mascotte Hoppus.

Kick-In 2023

For the bachelor Kick-In we cooperated with Gijs Medendorp from the Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET) and Sümeyye Sahin from the Faculty of Science and Technology (TNW). We had a student well-being booth during the opening fair on 23 August, to provide the students with information and let them know what we do. 

Two people standing behind a tableThree people standing behind a table in the distance.Two students visiting a booth at a fair.
Kick-In 2023 Opening Fair
Mirjam Koehorst (BMS) and Gijs Medendorp (ET) at the student well-being booth.
Kick-In 2023 Opening Fair
Sümeyye Sahin (TNW), Gijs Medendorp (ET) and Mirjam Koehorst (BMS) at the well-being booth.
Kick-In 2023 Opening Fair
Students visiting the well-being booth.