Qual-AI-ty Engagement Project

Fostering Student Engagement through AI-driven Qualitative Quality Assurance Practices

Qual-AI-ty Engagement is a forward-looking project aimed at disrupting the higher education through artificial intelligence (AI) and genuine commitment to quality as derived from student engagement with society.

It aims to do so by empowering university quality assurance staff through comprehensive training and cooperation in the project and by engaging students, who are a major contributing factor to the entire project through their co-creation and participation in piloting activities.

By empowering quality assurance staff to engage more actively with students and their endeavours within society, the aim is to create a nurturing space where society engagement on the part of students is actively promoted, visible and rewarded in the higher education landscapes.

University of Twente Role: Leader of the Qual-AI-tative Data Wizard and U-Society Observatory

As the leader of the Data Wizard, University of Twente will build the IT infrastructure and the software for developing the Data Wizard composed from QUALIA – the AI-driven Virtual Interview Assistant, the data training for the AI conversational agent model, and the data analysis and reporting platform for the U Society Observatory.

Together with ACEEU and Riga Technical University, University of Twente participated in the development of the Student Engagement with Society Qual-AI-ty Assessment Model and in the development of the Engagement Bootcamp software tool.

As a co-developer of Intellectual Outputs, University of Twente will be involved in the consortium’s work collaborating with other project partners in the development of U-Society Insight Report, a Compendium of Good Practices, and the Qual-AI-ty Engagement Pilot, and U-Society Action Plan.

Robert Marinescu Muster – Project Researcher and Data Scientist
Sjoerd de Vries – Project Coordinator

Website: https://qual-ai-ty.eu/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/qual-ai-ty-engagement/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/QualaityE