Study aim
In the fall of 2024, we are planning to start a study on the effectiveness of the app on the resilience of parents of children suspected of/diagnosed with a neurodiversity, including autism, AD(H)D, intellectual disabilities, communication disorders, specific learning disabilities (dyslexia and dyscalculia), motor (coordination) disorders and tic disorders. Further information about the study can be found in the information letter for participants.
You can sign up via the following link.
Two groups
To see if Adappt is effective in supporting parents we are going to compare two groups. These groups will be determined by drawing lots. After checking whether you can participate in the study (see below “Who can participate?”), you will receive a questionnaire. After completing this questionnaire, we will draw lots to see which group you will be in. Half of the people will be allowed to start using the app immediately and the other half will have to wait another 4 months to start using the app.
Who can participate?
To be able to participate in the study participants have to fulfil some criteria:
(1) You are the parent of one or more child(ren) (younger than 18) diagnosed with/suspected of a neurodiversity
(2) You are in possession of a smartphone/tablet with internet-access and e-mail address to download the app and fill in the questionnaires related to the study
(3) You are motivated to use the app, daily 10-15 minutes for a month
(4) You are not in treatment for mental health issues nor having severe mental health issues yourself at the moment
Expectations and advantages of participation
If you decide to participate, you are expected to:
- Use the app (10-15 minutes a day, for a month).
- Fill in questionnaires at four times: at the start, and after one, four and seven months (30-45 minutes per questionnaire). These can be filled in online, at your home or any place you would like to.
Participation has some advantages
- You can use the app free of charge
- You can improve your own mental well-being and resilience
- With your contribution, you can help other parents of children with autism and/or ADHD