Double Master

Some students want to combine two UT Master studies. The plans for the double master needs approval from both Board of Examiners (ExCie). Such a combined program usually adds up to 90EC courses, an extended Masters assignment and one internship. The final assignment has to have the characteristics of both programs. All together a three years (180EC) program that meets the requirements of both master programs. Up till now students combined BME with Applied Physics, Industrial Design Engineering and Electrical Engineering.

* This overview is just schematic. The presented 3 year is on content. The actual time needed might be longer.  The puzzle is individual and up to the student. Take into account:

Master components are not fit in time and may be re-arranged. For tracks with 7 obligatory courses, a blue or yellow course less is needed for the BME part

Are you interested in a double master with BME? Please contact the study adviser ( or make an appointment ( to discuss your options, and to be sure you meet the requirements before you send in your application to the Board of Examiners BME.