Composition Programme Committee (OLC) as of September 2024
Dr. E.H.F. van Asseldonk (Edwin) | Teacher - vice chair |
dr. L.S. Moreira Teixeira Leijten (Liliana) | Teacher |
dr. ir. J.R. Buitenweg (Jan) | Teacher |
Dr. Ir. W.M. Brink (Wyger) | Teacher |
Teacher |
STUDENt members
A.E. Hornman (Astrid) | Student member - chair |
K.L. Barts (Karlijn) | Student member |
K.G. Lankheet (Karlijn) | Student member |
I.A.M.J. van de Kruijs (Irene) | Student member |
V.S. Leeman (Vera) | Student member |
N.J.P. Hartog (Noa) | Student member |
Drs. K. Haijkens (Katja) | Program director BMT-BME |
M.K. Meijerink (Marta) | OLC BOZ |
M.J.R. Sallander (Matthijs) | Member S.V. Paradoks |
A.J. Visser (Adeline) | Minute maker |
C.A.H. Fox (Cindy) | Quality Assurance coordinator |
The OLC consists of both teachers and students. Because BMT is a broad study with many different tracks, we make sure that both students and teachers are divided over the different tracks. There is also an equal distribution between bachelor and master, both among students and lecturers.
As a student in the OLC, you take a critical look at the program. Before each meeting, you read the documents that are being discussed and you prepare what you want to say about them. You can also ask questions in response to complaints/comments you have heard from fellow students. You represent the interests of the BMT students and therefore it is important that you are not afraid to give your opinion.
The time involved is about 4 hours per meeting (2 hours of preparation, 2 hours of meetings), approximately 6 times a year. Most of the meetings take place during the break (lunch will be provided), so you don't have to miss any lectures. You will also receive compensation at the end of the academic year.