Compensation of a study unit with a 5.0

A student may request to designate one and only one first-year study unit as "compensated" after having received a final Osiris grade of exactly 5.0 and having received two compensation units within the same Category as mentioned in Article B1. This means one 5.0 can be compensated by two study units with a final Osiris grade of 6.5 or higher.

A student may also request to designate one and only one second-year non-project study unit as "compensated" after having received a final Osiris grade of exactly 5.0 and having received two non-project compensation units within Modules 5-8. This means one 5.0 can be compensated by two study units with a final Osiris grade of 6.5 or higher.

To request compensation of a study unit, use the forms below:

Requestform for compensating a study unit with a 5.0