This website section refers to study related things that are not directly part of the study programme. For example information about assessment forms, regulations and procedures, forms and practical rooms.
The programme management will send its intended Binding Study Advise (BSA) to its first-year students per e-mail in the first week of August 2024 (before the 9th of August). If you feel you have wrongfully received a negative binding recommendation, you can request to be heard by the programme board. The hearing will take place on Thursday August 22.
To make use of this opportunity, you need to apply within 5 working days after receiving the BSA (before the 16th of August), by sending an email to the bachelor coordinator ( Please use “BSA Hearing request” as subject, mention your name and student number and attach a letter in which you substantiate why you are fit for the programme while not having obtained sufficient credits. The substantiation could also be submitted a couple of days before the hearing, but do make sure you request the hearing itself within the mentioned time frame.
To discuss the content of your letter, prepare you for your hearing and learn more details about it, please schedule a meeting with the study adviser. In case of absence of Ellen Wassink-Kamp, a meeting can be scheduled with Daphne Boere.
A personal invite with exact date and location of the hearing will be sent to you a couple of days in advance. As soon as possible after the hearing, but before the end of the week, you will be informed by the programme board about her final decision.
For more general info on the BSA procedure and the consequences it may have for you please see: Binding study recommendation (BSA) | Binding Study Recommendation (BSA) | SGW.