When you're doing your thesis in Q4, an end conference day is being organised for you: more details below. When you're doing your thesis outside of Q4, you need to agree on a date and time with your committee on which you will give your end presentation. You also arrange the location for this yourself (you can ask the department (secretariat) if they can arrange a room for you. If this is not possible, you can email BOZ with the request to do this for you by letting them know the date, time and size of the room (considering the number of attendees)).
1. Report
Details regarding formats of the report are here.
2. Abstract book
This year we want to draw up an abstract book again. This will be bundled and printed for the day of the end presentations. You can find more information on the module 12 Canvas page, together with the format to use for this and the deadline for submission.
3. End presentations
This year it will take place on Friday July 5, 2024. We advise everyone to finish with their presentation that day, if there is no significant delay.
We will draw up a presentation program for this day. We will have a conference-like schedule, with 35 minutes for every student: 15 minutes for the presentation + 20 minutes for questions from committee and audience. There are 5 minutes between the timeslots to set up the next presentation and audience leaving/entering the room. If possible, upload your presentation before your session, or check out the room how to connect your laptop to the system. The chair moderates presentations and questions, and coordinates the timing. The exact program of the end conference will be announced in about a month before the actual date on the M12 Canvas page.
The student's committee may have members or family/friends dial in remotely. If this is the case, it is the student's responsibility to organize this properly. We don't want any delays for other students, so if it doesn't work out on time for technical reasons, the committee will have to resolve it with the student at another time. The next student must be able to start on time.
We ask the assessment committee to hand you your grades and a copy of your assessment form after the last presentation(s) of that day. If this is impossible for practical reasons, please agree with your supervisor on a suitable moment.
4. Prizes
There will be 2 prizes, to be awarded with € 50,- each.
- Best abstract
- Best scientific work (incl. thesis, presentation)
The prize winners will be announced at the end of the day, during the After Party!