(Follow on) Master's degree programme
After the bachelor programme you can continue your studies in the Master’s degree programme of Applied Mathematics, the so-called follow on master. This means that one is admitted without further conditions to the master after having completed the bachelor. The master AM is a two-year programme. In the programme, one picks one of the three specialisations and within that a chair. The first year of the programme consists mainly of courses. The second year consists of a traineeship and a final project.
With a bachelor’s degree in Applied Mathematics there are several other master’s programmes accessible. An example in the UT is the master Systems and Control. You can find more information on utwente.nl/master.
Master matrix
Doorstroommatrix.nl is an initiative of the 3TU. Here you can find the possibilities to follow on from your bachelor’s programme to a master’s programme in the Netherlands.
Becoming a teacher
By following the educational bachelor you can become a mathematics teacher with your degree. You can also get the eerstegraadslesbevoegdheid (First-degree teaching qualification) at the UT which will allow you to teach all years of high school. By following the Educative minor (30 EC) you can get a look into the profession of a teacher. Because you will go to schools and put your theory into practice, it is a good way to find out if being a teacher suits you. After the minor there are two options to continue:
- Following the two year master’s programme Science Education & Communication (Math track). Half of the programme consists of mathematics courses and half of education courses, including research components.
- Following the education courses (1 year) after (or during) your own master’s programme.
Information about the educational programmes and master’s programmes is available on the website of ELAN.
Twente Graduate School
For talented students the department of Applied Mathematics offers graduate programmes, in cooperation with the Twente Graduate School. These programmes combine a master’s programme and a PhD programme. You can find more information on the Twente Graduate School website.
Employment prospects
Regarding the employment prospects of the bachelor, not much is known. On the one hand the bachelor only exists since 2001 and in English since 2016. On the other hand almost everyone who completed the bachelor programme continues with a master’s programme. The educational programme does give you the opportunity to find a job as teacher after getting your bachelor’s degree.