Your study aDVISER IS YOUR first POINT OF CONTACt iN the educational programme.
Every programme has its own study adviser, who knows everything about the educational programme.
Study adviser BA
Your first contact in the educational programme is with your study adviser. Every programme has its own study adviser, who knows everything about the educational programme. The study adviser will monitor study progress, and will advise and assist students with study-related issues such as study choices, progress, process, and planning and carrying out assignments. The study adviser will also help and advise students about their academic skills, studying under specific personal circumstances, and about rules and regulations.
At the University, you are expected to be self-reliant and to organize many things yourself. Especially when you are just starting your studies, you may have a difficult time finding your way around. Sometimes getting help can be useful or even necessary. During your studies or while preparing for your future career, you may encounter issues you can discuss with your study adviser.
A conversation with your study adviser is usually a good first step. You can go to the study adviser if you have any questions about your studies, studying, or about private matters that affect your studies, for example:
- I would like to draw up a study plan for one or more academic year(s). How do I do this?
- I did not pass a module. What are the consequences?
- Due to problems at home, I cannot concentrate. What can I do?
- The programme is very easy. Are there extra activities I could do?
- I would like to become a board member of an association or a time-consuming committee. How can I combine this with my studies?
- Did I choose the right study programme?
- In secondary school, things went effortless. Now I face challenges and problems. What can I do? What is the reason why I failed certain exams?
- I know I can do it, but things do not work out the way I want. Can you help me learn to study in a better way?
- I am a professional athlete. What arrangements and facilities are there for me?
- I have trouble studying because of dyslexia. What aid is available?
- Can you help me find a way to follow this academic programme with my disability?
- I would like to request an exception to the rules, how do I do that?
- I am not motivated. What do I do to change this?
- I have good grades, but doubt if this study programme suits me
- I am facing a study delay. What can I do?
Additional support
If you encounter any problems during your studies, need extra help in addition to the guidance provided by your study adviser, or if you just want help to develop yourself, the links below may offer extra support and help. Student Guidance & Well-being (SGW) offers a range of professionals and services (such as student psychologists, career counselling, confidential advisors, and contact persons) who are independent and not linked to your program. Be aware that by clicking these links, you will leave the programme’s website: you will be redirected to the page of SGW, UT Language Centre, or the Student Union.
Student well-being
The university offers special web pages on the topic of well-being. If you encounter mental health problems or do you know someone who does? Check the student well-being pages or contact your study adviser for advice.
Confidential advice - unacceptable behaviour
If you have dealt with unacceptable behaviour, the confidential advisor for students is the person to contact.
The University of Twente wants to offer students and staff a socially safe environment. In such an environment, respect, integrity, honesty, and paying attention to other people should be the standard way of interacting with one another. Nevertheless, it may occur that students are approached by a fellow student or an employee of UT in a way that is unacceptable to them, or that they have witnessed such a situation. Examples of unacceptable behaviour are intimidation or sexual harassment, discrimination, aggression, violence, and bullying. Such unacceptable behaviour can reduce your sense of security and pleasure in your studies. It can lead to stress and mental or physical complaints. Therefore, do not ignore such behaviour and please talk to someone about it.
Unacceptable behaviour may take on many forms. You must decide for yourself what kind of behaviour is unacceptable to you. This may be direct or indirect behaviour that affects your personal integrity in any sense: verbally, non-verbally or otherwise physically; online, by telephone or in writing, or in online text, voice, image or video messages. Unacceptable behaviour includes (sexual) intimidation, aggression, violence, bullying and discrimination.
Some forms of unacceptable behaviour are obvious to everyone. Other forms can be more subtle, like intrusive messages, more than average interest from a teacher, or repeatedly being addressed on your appearance or nationality. It could also happen that you witness unacceptable behaviour.
In case of unacceptable behaviour, it is important to act. Ignoring it for too long can possibly lead to stress and mental or physical complaints.
To stop unwanted behaviour, it is important that you address it. It may be that the causer is not aware of the fact that they are a burden to you. You can contact the person who is exhibiting the unwanted behaviour and point out that you are bothered by this. Tell them that you experience their actions as unwanted, offensive. or even threatening. You can also ask someone whom you trust to talk to that person, such as a teacher, your student adviser, or a fellow student. You can also contact the confidential advisor.
The confidential advisor for students is there to lend an ear in situations of unacceptable behaviour or unequal treatment. They are independent and have a duty of confidentiality towards others, such as lecturers and offices within the University.
The confidential advisor will always be on your side and will offer moral and emotional support. They will help you investigate which steps you can take and identify the (dis)advantages of each step. For example, the confidential advisor can guide you in talking to the person causing the problem or in taking possible next steps. One possibility is to file a formal complaint or report an incident if all your attempts to change the situation have failed to help. But it is also possible that just talking to a confidential advisor is sufficient for you.
The confidential advisor guides you through the entire process and the possible steps that you might want to take. In this process, you are always the person who decides on what to do. Nothing will happen without your explicit consent. You will always be in control and decide whether or not to take a certain step or action.
In all situations, your anonymity will be guaranteed.
The confidential advisor for students will not act as a mediator, will never intervene in legal processes, or will not have to ascertain the truth as their purpose.
Would you like to make an appointment? Contact the SGW secretariat (+31 53 489 2035) or write an e-mail to: