The student performs a research or design assignment of limited size and profundity under the supervision of a member of the scientific staff. The assignment is completed with a written report (the BSc thesis) and a public oral presentation (the colloquium). After the colloquium, the assessment committee convenes to fill in the assessment form and determine the grade.
The BSc assignment has a study load of 15 EC (credits), which corresponds to a duration of 420 hours (or 10.5 weeks of 40 hours, etc.).
Educational objectives
The main objective of the BSc assignment is for the student to learn to apply a suitable research or design methodology under supervision. A list of the learning objectives of the BSc programme is defined in the programme-specific part of the Education and Examination Regulations (the "EER"). After the BSc assignment the student is able to perform technological research at the BSc level and communicate on the outcomes. This implies that the student is able to:
- Analyse a problem with some complexity in the field of Advanced Technology.
- a. prepare, execute and analyse experimental or theoretical research in Advanced Technology.
b. design, build and test a device. - write a scientific report describing the result.
- give an oral presentation of the results to an audience of peers and is able to answer questions on the subject.
- be self-sufficient in organizing the work.
- collaborate and interact with the staff of a research group.
BSc-Assignment Committee
A global overview of the role of the assessment committee is given below. More detailed information on the requirements for members of the assessment committee can be found in the pdf bachelor assignment committee requirements AT.
The BSc-Assignment Committee is responsible for the assessment of the assignment. The committee consists minimally of the three following members:
1. A chairperson, typically a full or associate professor of the UT research group in which the assignment is done,
2. The student's daily supervisor, often but not always a PhD student or postdoc in the research group,
3. An external member, who performs research in a different group. This person is selected by the examination board AT.
The same person can be the chairperson and daily supervisor, but in that case, the student and supervisor have to arrange a second person who will join the assessment committee so that it still consists of 3 people.
If the daily supervisor is a PhD student, then preferably the supervisor of the PhD student should be the chairperson (or a regular member).
The external member is added to:
1. ensure that BSc assignments are assessed in a similar way,
2. provide additional knowledge and alternate views from other fields,
In addition to the abovementioned members, scientific experts from outside the research group may be part of the BSc Assignment Committee.
The BSc assignment takes place in one of the research groups (chairs, 'vakgroepen', 'leerstoelen') of the University of Twente. An external assignment is only possible by exception, to be judged by the Examination Board. In case of an external assignment, a scientific staff member from the UT (professor or UHD) has to take responsibility for the assignment and act as chairperson of the BSc-Assignment Committee.
A brief schematic overview of the assessment aspects is given below. More detailed information on the assessment guidelines can be found on the assessment form.
Research |
• Problem analysis • Execution of the graduation assignment • Analysis of the results |
Report and presentation |
• Report (BSc. thesis) • Presentation |
General aspects |
• General aspects |