Here you will find some general guidelines to execute the final project.
Typical (mathematical) research project
These kinds of projects normally have the following approach:
- From the problem definition identify hypotheses to be verified (proved).
- Identify the theories and axioms that apply to the problem.
- Perform the proof (e.g., by proving theorems).
- Reflect on the consequences of your results.
Typical design research project
These kinds of projects normally have the following approach:
- From the problem definition identify the technical object of concern.
- Identify the models, methods and techniques to be used, as well as the steps in the development process and their relationships (methodology).
- Perform the steps according to the methodology, which should result in specifications or prototypes.
- Validate the specifications or prototypes.
- Reflect on the development process.
Typical empirical research project
These kinds of projects normally have the following approach:
- From the problem definition define the theoretical framework and formulate hypotheses.
- Identify the methods and techniques to gather and analyze data.
- Collect test data.
- Analyze and interpret the data.
- Formulate conclusions and recommendations.
Interaction with the supervisors
Throughout the final project, but especially in the development stage, it is important that you keep close contact with the supervisors.
- Communicate with your supervisors through e-mail and meetings. E-mail is suitable for urgent and short questions. Deep discussions on the work (e.g., to obtain feedback) can be done in a meeting.
- In order to be sure that a meeting with your supervisors will be productive, you should deliver a written report on the results obtained in the period since the last meeting. This report can vary from some notes on what you have done (typically in the beginning) to a chapter of the thesis.
- Formulate some questions that you want to discuss; these questions can be formulated so that by asking them you can get suggestions concerning bottlenecks and difficulties you have encountered.
- Try to produce documentation as early as possible, already aiming at the final report.
- Feel responsible for your project, by keeping an eye on planning, the approach and the objectives.
- Do not bother others too early without trying to solve your problems yourself first. But also, don’t wait too long to turn to your supervisor for help in case your cannot find a solution by yourself.
Near the finish line
- Discuss with your supervisor about the possible date of completion of your project.
- Consider well in advance the exact procedure to graduate. See Graduation Information for the details.