How to get an approved study programme
Students transfering from a Bachelor outside the UT, please contact the master coordinator
- Contact the contact person of the specialisation you want to study (chairholder or other staffmember acting as contactperson) in order to put your study programme together
- Select the appropriate worksheet (to be found on )
- Delete chair and names of contact persons that are not applicable
- Delete the specialisations that are not applicable
- Fill in your student number and name
- Remove courses that are not part of your programme
- Add courses you agree upon with your contact person
- Delete the first worksheet with instructions.
- Have your form signed by the contactperson and the master coordinator
- Deliver the signed form to BOZ (Educational affairs office).
- After checking for correctness BOZ will send a confirmation of approval of the programme to the student, the contact person and the master coordinator
- For all the rules: see the EER
The form can be opened from our website