UTAlumni CommunityNewsAn inspiring and successful alumni day at TM & BME

An inspiring and successful alumni day at TM & BME

An alumni day was organised on Friday 8 December 2023 in honour of the 9th anniversary of S.V. Paradoks in collaboration with the TM and BME programmes. A day for alumni and presentations by alumni. 

During the morning programme, former study programme director Prof Dr Ir Jan van Alsté gave a retrospective on the origins of the Biomedical Engineering study programme and thus the Paradoks study association. It was a nice look back in time and he gave some good advice for the future.

The afternoon programme focused on broadening students' knowledge about the opportunities offered by TM and BME programmes. Experience shows that many students do not have a good idea of the career opportunities and jobs that fit these programmes. During lunch, there was speed-dating with the various graduates where students could ask questions about the career of the respective alumnus/alumna and get great tips. With an attendance of 25 alumni and over 150 students, a lot of knowledge was exchanged and the speed-dating lunch was a great success.

After lunch, students were able to listen to short alumni presentations during several rounds. There were four different speakers present for both TM and BME, all with different backgrounds regarding experience in the field and they gave an insight into their lives & current jobs. They also came up with valuable tips on how to find your dream job. The main conclusion is to be proactive and start approaching people in the field early, to find your interests and build a network in advance. The first step for this has already been taken during this alumni day!

On behalf of the Alumni Committee of S.V. Paradoks, we would once again like to thank the various alumni, Jan van Alsté and the chairmen of the day, Janneke Alers and Frank Simonis, for contributing to this inspiring day. We would also like to thank the programmes of TM and BME for making this day possible. Finally, we would also like to thank the students for their commitment and contribution during this day.

Hopefully until next time!