Alumni events recap 2023-2024


During this academic year hundreds of students have been in contact with alumni in very different ways: through career days, networking tables, internships, coaching and mentoring programs, company visits, sport events, lectures, workshops, prizes, and scholarships. 

Let's take a look at some of the things that happened in thie academic year 2023-2024.

alumni days

Alumni Days bring together former students, to reconnect with the Campus of the Univeresity Twente, their study program, their house or sport club, to network with fellow alumni, and engage in various activities that celebrate their shared experiences and achievements.

Applied Mathematics alumni day
Alumni day Technical medicine, Biomedical engineering & Biomedical technology
Psychology alumni day
 Witbreuksweg 387 (ground floor) 50th anniversary
DHC Drienerlo alumni tournament
UT alumni reunion - THT generations
60th anniversary of Harambee volleyball association

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Career events

Career events at the University of Twente that include alumni are designed to enhance networking and mentorship opportunities for current students. These events typically involve alumni sharing their career experiences, industry insights, and professional advice, providing students with a realistic perspective on various career paths.

Career Café Online May 2024
Business Days Twente
Career Café in-person November 2023
Talententuin Twente 2023
Business Administration en Industrial Engineering Management congress
Civil Engineering symposium

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Challeges & Awards

At the University of Twente, various challenges and awards are designed to stimulate student engagement, innovation, and academic excellence. Alumni play a significant role in these initiatives through their contributions and involvement.

Marina van Damme Scholarship
Principia prize 2023
Professor de Winter Award
Peter Rizenbos scholarship
Van den Kroonenberg award
J.L.M. Niers fund - eHealth voucher

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visits to companies: UTwente DNA

Visit to Sweco
Visit to Benchmark
Visit to Red Dot Design Museum
Visito to Aeronamic
Visit to Dow Benelux
Visit to Axini

Regional meetings

Appplied Mathematics alumni meeting organized by Kwadrant
Women in Tech Twente
Alumni meeting in Brussels
Alumni symposium organized by Bekader alumni association

Alumni invited as a GUEST LECTUREr