UT Career Cafe

Share your career experiences and make a difference!

Do you remember your first time searching for a job? Did you succeed in getting a job in the field of your preference right away? What did you learn along the way? The UT Alumni Office organises another edition of the Career Cafe in cooperation with UT Career Services. We are looking for UT alumni all over the world, who would like to share their career experiences with UT students in the final stage of their studies.


Why should you join?

How does it work?
During the UT Online Career Cafe, alumni share their career experiences with small groups of max. four students, in two rounds of 45 minutes each. The students are invited to ask questions like:

As preparation for the Career Cafe we will setup an online meeting for all alumni who participate in this event. In this meeting, you will receive all necessary information about the Career Cafe and meet the other participating alumni. Of course, there is room to ask questions and to share experiences with the other alumni.