UT Alumni Travel Scan

Access your worldwide community!

Whether traveling here in Europe or to the other side of the world, the UT alumni community is a valuable resource for university staff members. Our community of nearly 60,000 UT alumni can be your key to accessing interesting organizations, expertise as well as local knowledge.

Imagine meeting with a UT alumnus or alumna working in an area relevant to your UT work and research, or perhaps someone at an exciting company that you would be interested in learning more about or even visiting to check the potential for future collaboration. You could also tap into a UT'er from a particular study or career background living in the country you will be visiting to get their local perspective and insights or just simply hear about their experiences since leaving Twente.

This all starts with an introduction to matched alumni by the UT Alumni Office followed by a casual conversation over coffee or a meal during your travels!

Planning a trip for work? Don't forgEt to do an alumni travel scan!

The 'Alumni Travel Scan' is offered by the Alumni Office to UT staffmembers traveling overseas for example in the case of conferences or for research purposes. As part of this special service a scan of the UT alumni community will be conducted using Linkedin based on details you submit to us via an online form about your trip and research/work interests. The scanning process takes approximately a week and at its conclusion the names of any matched alumni along with their Linkedin profiles will be shared. Afterwards, the Alumni Office will reach out to specific alumni selected by participating staffmembers on their behalf in order to get permission to exchange private contact details for direct follow up communications.

Alumni Travel Scan

in 4 simple steps!

Interested? Submit your Alumni Travel Scan request using the above link and begin accessing your worldwide UT alumni community today!

Please note that there may be instances where depending on the reviewed locations the scan results in zero matches. In some cases alumni identified as possible matches may also not be interested or available for meeting with the visiting staff.   

For further questions please reach out to Joe Laufer

J. Laufer (Joe)
Senior Advisor - Alumni Relations