Process analysis to improve staff scheduling

Project description:

Planning personnel and patients in health care is not an easy task, due to the high uncertainty and variability of the demand. Scheduling the lab assistants at the department of Clinical Neurophysiology is at this moment very time consuming and difficult. For my master assignment for the study Health Sciences the goal of this research is to find the causes for this problem and to recommend methods that will improve the scheduling technique. Furthermore, I will also try to give recommendations to improve the efficiency of the department. This research will be accomplished by an analysis of the current processes of the department, a literature review and a simulation study.

A. Tackenkamp (Medisch Spectrum Twente)
Drs. I.B.W. de Vries-Blanken (Medisch Spectrum Twente)
Dr. ir.
I.M.H. Vliegen (University of Twente)


Bibianne Geerts