Voorjaar 2024

Lezingen Voorjaar 2024

The soundtrack of the plastic age

As an avid kite surfer Merijn Tinga is annoyed by all the plastic waste floating in the sea. And as a biologist, he worries about its harmful effects on marine life. Tinga decided to become an environmental activist and nicknamed himself The plastic soup surfer. On a board, made of plastic litter, he kite surfed for more than 350 kilometers along the Dutch and Belgian coast. His action contributed to the introduction of deposits on plastic bottles and cans. After Tinga’s talk there will be the theatre performance The soundtrack of the plastic age in which Rogier de Nijs plays on fully-fledged musical instruments, made out of plastic waste. Listen to the sound of plastic!

Muziek en welzijn | Julian Schaap

The Einstein telescope

Neurodiversiteit: Stigma of zegen? | Anita Hubner

Science Cafe: De wereld van Bonsai met Jelle Ferwerda

Science Cafe: De wereld van Bonsai / Demonstratie en Vragen

The geopolitics of China / Frans Paul vd Putten

Mannen zijn geen helden / Maaike Meijer

The future of nuclear energy | Ferry Roelofs

Robots in hospital

The power of Shell and other multinationals

Feiten en fabels over hardlopen

Vogelen met Arjan Dwarshuis
