Lezingen Voorjaar 2023
Science Cafe Enschede : Roddel en achterklap
Willeke Slingerland - Hoe sociaal zijn netwerken?
Terence Dores Cruz - Welk nut heeft roddelen?
Caroline de Gruyter: Europe in times of war | Week of Inspiration
Europe isn’t safe anymore. For decades we thought that nothing would threaten our continent. Didn’t we have the diplomatic channels of the European Union, the NATO and other institutions? Commercial trade gave mondial ties and nobody would risk a war. Those myths were blown up by Russia invading Ukraine in February 2022. Drs. Caroline de Gruyter, prestigious commentator on European politics, takes the view that Europe has to be more united and better military equipped. Europe has to show its teeth.
Climate General Tom Middendorp: Week of Inspiration
As Chief of Defence of the Armed forces of the Netherlands Tom Middendorp saw how droughts and water scarcity can lead to armed conflicts. In his book Climate General he concludes that climate change and our security are inextricably linked. Middendorp is an optimist however and proposes concrete steps individuals can take with respect to climate adaptation and mitigation. His motto is: Think big, act small and start somewhere! Tom Middendorp leads a global network on climate & security and is affiliated to Clingendael and HCSS.
Solar futures: Marjan van Aubel/ Week of Inspiration
Solar designer Marjan van Aubel creates a new narrative for solar energy – one that goes beyond the technological fix on efficiency of blue solar panels. As a designer she wants to make solar power beautiful and accessible for everyone, creating a transition to a post-fossil world. Van Aubel is an award-winning designer who integrates solar power seamlessly into buildings and objects. Her most notable works are Sunne, Current Table, Power Plant and the roof of the Netherlands Pavilion (World Expo 2020, Dubai).
In search for extrasolar planets: Ignas Snellen | Week of Inspiration
Does life exists on other planets? Astrophysicist Ignas Snellen scrutinizes worlds that orbit other stars than our Sun. While distances are enormous, making exoplanets extremely faint, he devises techniques to study their atmospheric contents. He tries to find habitable planets, perhaps even a twin Earth. What do these remote worlds teach us about ourselves? Prof. dr. Ignas Snellen is full professor in Astronomy at Leiden University and scientific director of Leiden Observatory. In 2022 he received the Spinoza Prize.
Robotics and AI are promising technologies. They proved very useful in the contexts of industry, army and science and might solve a lot of our future problems. However, time shows that these technologies have limitations. Dr. Rosanne Hertzberger states that we have to question mythical dreams about technology and acknowledge that humans and human interaction are of the utmost importance. Rosanne Hertzberger is microbiologist and a well-known talk show guest. She also writes striking columns, for instance in the NRC.
Science Cafe Enschede: Breinachtige computers
Aleksander Andreski - de limieten van rekenkracht
Christian Nijhuis - Intelligente moleculen
the web reimagined: Solid
The inventors of the internet had a dream: a free exchange of information between people all over the world. In the meantime the web deteriorated into a huge advertising platform, where our personal data is sold to the highest bidder. To bring this to a halt, Solid was invented. A smart web application that lets people store their personal data securely in decentralized data stores. It will be used by the UT as well. How this works and what it means for our digital lives, is explained by dr. Esther de Loof, Business Developer & Operational Director SolidLab.
Beneficial effects of gaming
Does gaming spoil a good night’s sleep? Don’t you encounter friends in real life anymore? Games are usually put in bleak light, worried experts stressing their negative effects on players. There’s another side of the coin. You can also argue that gaming stimulates a quicker brain and enhances creativity and a sense of cooperation. Dr. Hanneke Scholten of the Games for Emotional and Mental Health-lab UT, designs games intended to ameliorate the mental wellbeing of young people.
De wereld van chips
Chips zitten in bijna alle apparaten, van auto’s tot mobieltjes. We hebben er zo veel nodig dat er zelfs een tekort is. Snel meer produceren is niet makkelijk: het maken van chips is een waar kunststukje dat begint met silicium – zand – en eindigt met transistoren van slechts een paar nanometer groot. Chips worden gemaakt met lithografie, een technologie waarin Nederland met de EUV machines van ASML wereldleider is. Met prof. dr. Marcelo Ackermann, XUV Optics UT, over EUV lithografie; prof. dr. Bram Nauta, Integrated Circuit Design UT, over het ontwerp van een chip; prof. dr. Jurriaan Schmitz, Integrated Device and Systems UT, over de kleinste transistoren.
The art of breathing
Breathing is something most people do automatically, however it is good to reflect on your inner air flow because it might be a bit too fast or too shallow. Scientific research makes clear that respiration is crucial for your physical and mental health. Ron ten Voorde, professional yoga teacher explains the mechanisms behind good breathing. He will also do exercises with the audience to give you the experience of a relaxed way of breathing.
The inspiring life of Christy Aikhorin
Christy Aikhorin MSc. is a real globetrotter. She was born in Nigeria, lived in South Africa as a young adult before moving to the Netherlands for a Chemical Engineering Master degree at the UT. She has over 15 years project management experience, developing and directing sustainable based initiatives for a broad range of industries and companies, including Shell. A near death experience changed her life and she became focused on sustainability. Nowadays, she is director of ‘Women Engage for a Common Future’, an international NGO dedicated to a gender just and healthy planet for all. What made her change her point of view?
Science Cafe: De Twentse kwantumcomputer
Kwantummechanica valt haast niet te begrijpen: probeer je maar eens een schakelaartje voor te stellen dat tegelijkertijd aan èn uit staat! Dr. Cas Damen (lector Nanotechnologie Saxion) neemt je mee in de wondere kwantumwereld en vertelt over de toepassingen. Dr. Jelmer Renema (universitair docent UT en Chief Scientist QuiX Quantum) bouwde een Twentse kwantumcomputer die nu de standaard is in Europa. Hij laat zien hoe je van fotonen qubits maakt en hoe je daar mee kunt rekenen
Een bord vol plantaardigheid
Hiske Versprille is culinair recensent van de Volkskrant en constateert dat steeds meer restaurants op de veganistische toer gaan. Mayo zonder eieren. Een hamburger waarvoor koe noch varken geslacht wordt. Zij stelt dat veganistisch eten meer is dan koken zonder dierlijke ingrediënten: het is een andere manier om nieuwe smaken te creëren met technieken als fermenteren of de Maillardreactie. Drs. Hiska Bakker (SG) interviewt haar.
Solar Sailing
A solar sail lets a spacecraft ride on sunlight the way sailboats ride on the wind. Dr. Jeannette Heiligers (TU Delft) uses the propulsion capabilities of solar sailing for a sustainable ‘space duster’: a device that moves to a piece of debris and deorbits it, so that space gets cleaner. Solar sails can also be used as shields. If an immense solar shield were to be unfolded in space, this could reduce the Earth's temperature and limit the effects of climate change. Is this a wise thing to do?
Dutch Design
The red and blue chair of Gerrit Rietveld, the scrap wooden furniture of Piet Hein Eek and Marjan van Aubels solar designs are typical examples of Dutch Design. But what makes Dutch Design so Dutch? Is it a certain sobriety, innovativeness or individuality? Does Dutchness exist? Prof. dr. Timo de Rijk will give an overview of Dutch Design. De Rijk has been design historian at TU Delft & Leiden University and is nowadays director of Design Museum Den Bosch
Prelude op het NSO
Ruim tachtig studenten van alle Nederlandse universiteiten die na een dikke week voorbereiding in één maand dertien concerten geven. Dat is het Nederlands Studenten Orkest in een notendop. Dirigent Jurjen Hempel vertelt over de muziek die op de lessenaar staat: Elgar’s celloconcert, Symfonie nr. 7 van Bruckner en een gloednieuwe compositie van Christiaan Richter.
Nooit meer stilte: Tinnitus
Bij sommige mensen suist, piept, dreunt of snerpt het in het hoofd: de oren ervaren nooit stilte. Tinnitus was vroeger vooral een aandoening bij ouderen, maar tegenwoordig komt het al op heel jonge leeftijd voor. Zijn koptelefoontjes, megaharde concerten en speakers op vol volume debet aan deze gehoorschade? Dr. Peter van Hengel, audioloog bij Pento Audiologisch Centrum Twente, laat horen wat tinnitus is. Is een leven zonder ongewenste geluiden toekomstmuziek?
Een leven op spitzen
Als kind al uren trainen aan de barre. Balletpassen perfectioneren. Letten op je voeding. Nina Tonoli en Timothy van Poucke hadden al jong de ambitie om op topniveau balletdanser te worden. En het is hen gelukt: ze zijn tweede solist bij het prestigieuze Nationale Ballet. In een interview door drs. Hiska Bakker (SG) vertellen zij over hun leven, hun danscarrière, hun frustraties en hun toekomstdromen.