Rethinking security in Europe
Second part of the lecture: Rethinking security in Europe. The first part is missing unfortunately. Europe faces a dilemma: militarisation or a transition to civil security? Ralf Becker (Coordinator of the German campaign Sicherheit Neu Denken) believes military-based security won’t bring sustainable security in Europe. Instead, he proposes civil security based on e.g. diplomacy and economic support for the weaker neighbours of the EU. Becker also advocates a security partnership with Russia. Colonel dr. Han Bouwmeester (Associate Professor Military Strategy and Land Warfare, Netherlands Defence Academy) is specialised in Russia’s deception warfare and will debate with Becker. What would happen if Russia were to mislead us? Introduction + moderation: prof. dr. Ramses Wessel (Vice Dean and Professor of European Law, University of Groningen).
Trans Europe Express 2.0
Travelling through Europe by train can be quite a challenge. If you want to travel from Amsterdam to Rome for instance, it will take you at least 20 hours, including two transfers. How can this be improved? When will the train become a serious alternative for air travel? Ing. Wil van Roij (self-employed consultant, board member KIVI Railsystemen) discusses the technical challenges. Ir. John Voppen (CEO of ProRail) explains which organizational problems would have to be solved. Ir. Diederik Samsom (Head of Cabinet Frans Timmermans and working on the European Green Deal – present online) reflects on the political and diplomatic dimensions. How do we bring all 27 members of the EU on the right track?
Overleven in het antropoceen
Volgens aardwetenschappers bevinden we ons in het Antropoceen, een geologisch tijdperk waarin de menselijke impact aan het licht komt. Dit vraagt om actie, maar hoe? Grofweg zijn er twee kampen: ecomodernisten geloven in technologische oplossingen (kernenergie of geo-engineering). Ecocentristen daarentegen pleiten voor kleinschaligheid en natuurvriendelijke tech-oplossingen. Cultuursocioloog drs. Ruben Jacobs verkent de uitersten. Praktisch natuurfilosoof dr. Yvonne Cuijpers belicht het ecocentrische kamp; variërend van strokenteelt en veganistische burgers tot Willie-Wortel-geknutsel en hightech robotica.
Art based on mathemetics
Leonardo da Vinci and Albrecht Dürer were artists who used mathematical principles for their works of art. Dr. Rinus Roelofs is a modern artist who stands in the same tradition. Connected holes, combined transformations or infinite polyhedra, his sculptures look complicated and elegant at the same time. Being a mathematician, Roelofs plays creatively with geometry. He exhibits his objects worldwide. In South Korea they really adore his beautiful structures and our own campus offers huge examples in concrete, made by a 3D printer. See for more. On 17 November Roelofs will give a workshop on polyhedra. In cooperation with Apollo and Abacus.
Nobel lectures
The Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry and Medicine are awarded every year in October. Curious what these prizes are about? Then join the annual Nobel Lectures organized by TNW and Studium Generale! This year we are happy to announce the following speakers: Prof. dr. Armagan Kocer will clarify the Nobel Prize on Medicine, won by David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian for their discoveries of receptors for temperature and touch. Prof. dr. Maarten van Aalst will explain the Nobel Prize on Physics, won by Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann and Giorgio Parisi for their groundbreaking contributions to our understanding of complex systems (like the Earth’s climate). Prof. dr. Jan van Maarseveen (UvA) sheds light on the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, won by Benjamin List and David W.C. MacMillan for the development of asymmetric organocatalysis.