ter Vrugte, J., Eshuis, E., de Jong, T. (2016, April) 21st century skills for vocational engineering students; a high tech approach. Presentation at the Consortium voor Inovatie (CVI), Groningen, NL
de Jong, T. (2016, May) Effective science learning with online laboratories. The Go-Lab federation of online labs, its comprehensive student support, and innovative authoring facilities. Taller internacional nuevas tendencias en la ensenanza de la física, Puebla, MX
de Jong, T. (2016, June) Go-Lab, onderzoekend leren met online labs (Go-Lab, inquiry learning with online labs). Kennisnet/NRO Onderzoeksconferentie 2016, Amersfoort, NL
de Jong, T. (July, 2016) Reasoning and learning: Technological solutions for potential pitfalls in inquiry learning. UQAM Institute for Cognitive Science Summer School. Montreal, CA
Eshuis, E.H. (2016, September). Instruction and self- and peer assessment to help vocational technical students learn about successful collaboration. Presentation at the department of Instructional Technology, University of Twente, Enschede, NL.
de Jong, T. (2016, September) Online labs in science education, new possibilities for active student learning. European Conference on Research in Chemistry Education. Barcelona, ES
Eshuis, E.H. (2017, April). Collaborative evaluation to stimulate vocational technical students’ collaboration in an online learning environment. Round-table presentation at ICO National Spring School, Utrecht, NL
Eshuis, E.H., ter Vrugte, J., de Jong, T. (2017, October). Collaborative reflection to stimulate vocational technical students’ collaboration in an online learning environment. Poster presented at the 'Your Research@CTIT 2017' poster session event, Enschede, NL
de Jong, T. (2017, October) Promises and challenges of digital technologies for learning. Leibniz Society Forschungsverbund Bildungspotenziale conference Educational potentials in a digital world, Berlin, DE
Eshuis, E.H., ter Vrugte, J., de Jong, T. (2017, October). Collaborative feedback to stimulate vocational technical students’ collaboration in an online learning environment. Paper presented at the fourth workshop of the international scientific network, Leuven, BE
de Jong, T. (2017, November) The role of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in Inquiry-Based Science Education (IBSE). UNESCO conference: Ark of Inquiry: Inquiry Awards for Youth Over Europe. Paris, FR
de Jong, T. (2017, November) Online labs in science education; how engaged learning is the future. EGK: Future in Education Conference, Istanbul, Turkey
de Jong, T. (2017, November) Computational Thinking and Inquiry Learning. International Convention of the Association for Educational Communication and Technology, Jacksonville, USA
de Jong, T. (2018, January) The Go-Lab ecosystem for designing inquiry learning spaces. FCRi Foundation STEAM conference. Barcelona, ES
de Jong, T. (2018, January) Actief leren met online laboratoria; hoe krijg ik dat voor elkaar? Twents Meesterschap, Enschede, NL
de Jong, T. (2018, March) Building engaging and effective instruction: Does inquiry learning alone suffice to do the job? Learning through inquiry in higher education: current research and future challenges. Munich, DE
ter Vrugte, J. (2018, March) Serious support for serious games. Symposium at the Games for Learning Conferentie Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, the Netherlands, NL
ter Vrugte, J. & de Jong, T. (2018, March) Tw1st education: 21st century skills in technical vocational education; a high tech approach. Project presentation at the NWO-NRO Human Capitaldag, Utrecht, NL
de Jong, T. (2018, September) Science learning with online laboratories. Impulskongress “Digitale Bildung und Fachunterricht”. Kiel, DE
Eshuis, E.H. (2018, October). TW1ST education project update. Colloquium Instructietechnologie, Universiteit Twente, Enschede, NL
de Jong, T. (2019, March) Physics Education for the 21st Century. How to design full-fledged inquiry learning experiences for physics education. The case of Go-Lab. Institute of Physics, London, UK
Eshuis, E.H., ter Vrugte, J., Anjewierden, A., Bollen, L., Sikken, J., de Jong, T (2019, April). Improving students’ collaboration skills and knowledge acquisition through self- and peer-assessment with joint reflection. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Education Research Association (AERA), Toronto, CA
de Jong, T (2019, April) Acquiring 21st Century Skills by STEM Students; a Technological Approach Based on Inquiry Learning with Virtual Laboratories. Online presentation, Izmir, TR
ter Vrugte, J. (2019, April) Tw1st education: 21st century skills in technical vocational education; a high tech approach. Project presentation at the Technology, Data-Analytics and Decision Support Group (DDS) University of Twente, Enschede, NL
de Jong, T. (2019, June). Online labs in science education; how engaged learning is the future. International Conference on Science and Science Education. Salatiga, Java, ID
Eshuis, E.H., ter Vrugte, J., Anjewierden, A., de Jong, T (2019, August). Comparative feedback and reflection as a factor in student-centered learning in vocational education. Paper presented at the European Association for Research Learning and Instruction, Aachen, DE
ter Vrugte, J. & Luttikhold, A. (2019, August) Play to grow: about feedback and persistence in game-based learning for mathematics. Paper presented at the European Association for Research Learning and Instruction, Aachen, DE
ter Vrugte, J. (2019, August). Discussant at symposium: The effect of educational games on cognitive and non-cognitive predictors of early math abilities. At the 18th Biennial European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Aachen, Germany.
ter Vrugte, J., Eshuis, E.H. (2019, September) 21st century skills for vocational technical students; a high-tech approach. Presentation Deutsche Telecom, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands.
de Jong, (2019, September) Engaged learning for science students. The Go-Lab ecosystem for innovating STEAM education. New educational approaches to STEAM education. Kiev, UA
Eshuis, E.H., ter Vrugte, J., Anjewierden, A., de Jong, T. (2019, September). 21st century skills for vocational technical students; a high-tech approach. Presentatie tijdens de 3e editie van de Wetenschapsdag van het Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid, The Hague, the Netherlands.
de Jong, T. (2020, April) Inquiry learning for STEM, the Go-Lab approach. Learn STEM Online Conference. Organised by OUNL.
de Jong, T. (2020, June). Training Science and Engineering Students in an Engaging Way: The role of Virtual Laboratories. International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Education. Athens, Gr (online)
de Jong, T. (2021, February). Innovating science education with online lab facilities, the case of Go-Lab. 4th Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation, Taitung, TW
de Jong, T. (2021, April). How to make inquiry learning with online labs effective; the role of prior knowledge and scaffolding. Spring gathering of LEAD (Learning, Educational Achievement, and Life-Course Development) Graduate School and Research Network, Schwäbisch Gmünd, DE
ter Vrugte, J. (2021, October) Tw1st education: 21st century skills in technical vocational education; a high tech approach. Project presentation at the NWO-NRO Human Capitaldag, Utrecht, NL
ter Vrugte, J. & E.H. Eshuis (2022, June). Visualization and reflection to scaffold time-management in a computer-based learning environment. Paper presented at the International Society of Learning Sciences Conference, Hiroshima, Japan
Irmak, M. & ter Vrugte, J., (2022, June). How different types of teacher dashboards impact teachers’ problem detection accuracy. Paper presented at the International Society of Learning Sciences Conference, Hiroshima, Japan
Jong, T. de (2019). Moving towards engaged learning in STEM domains: there is no simple answer, but clearly a road ahead. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. doi. 10.1111/jcal.12337
Eshuis, E., ter Vrugte, J., Anjewierden, A., Bollen, L., Sikken, J. & de Jong, T. (2019). Improving the quality of vocational students’ collaboration and knowledge acquisition through instruction and joint reflection. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning. doi. 10.1007/s11412-019-09296-0
ter Vrugte, J. & Eshuis, E.H. (2019) Samenwerken kun je leren. Didactief. Juli 2019.
Eshuis, E.H., ter Vrugte, J. & de Jong, T. (2022) Supporting reflection to improve learning from self-generated concept maps. Metacognition Learning (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11409-022-09299-7
Eshuis, E.H., ter Vrugte, J., Anjewierden, A., & de Jong, T. (2022) Expert examples and prompted reflection in learning with self-generated concept maps. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11409-022-09299-7
ter Vrugte, J. & E.H. Eshuis (2022, June). Visualization and reflection to scaffold time-management in a computer-based learning environment. Paper presented at the International Society of Learning Sciences Conference, Hiroshima, Japan
Irmak, M. & ter Vrugte, J., (2022, June). How different types of teacher dashboards impact teachers’ problem detection accuracy. Paper presented at the International Society of Learning Sciences Conference, Hiroshima, Japan
Eshuis, E.H. (2021) Powering Up Collaboration and Knowledge Monitoring: Reflection-Based Support for 21st-Century Skills in Secondary Vocational Technical Education promotor: Prof. Dr. T. de Jong, Co-promotor: dr. J ter Vrugte
overige output
ter Vrugte, J., Eshuis, E.H. (2020) TW1ST education: Digitale onderwijsmiddelen voor het ontwikkelen van 21e eeuwse vaardigheden. Impactinterview Tech Your Future. https://www.techyourfuture.nl/a-1516/digitale-onderwijsmiddelen-voor-ontwikkelen-21e-eeuwse-vaardigheden (ZIE MENU LINKS)
ter Vrugte, J., Eshuis, E.H., van Huffelen, M. & Hendriks, M. (2019) Publicatie Tw1st education: over het samenwerken van mbo techniekstudenten. Nieuwsartikel Tech Your Future. www.techyourfuture.nl/a-1240/publicatie-tw1st-education
ter Vrugte, J. & Eshuis, E.H. (2018) Geaggregeerde conceptmaps; kennisvergelijking als stimulans voor de kennisverwerving van mbo techniekstudenten. Nieuwsartikel Tech Your Future. www.techyourfuture.nl/files/downloads/2018_11_30_artikel_tw1st_TYF.pdf (niet langer toegankelijk, ZIE MENU LINKS)
Universiteit Twente. (2017) 21ste eeuwse vaardigheden in het technisch MBO. Projectwebsite Universiteit Twente. www.utwente.nl/nl/bms/twist/
Tech Your Future. (2016) Tw1st education: 21ste eeuwse vaardigheden in mbo techniekonderwijs; een high-tech benadering. Projectbeschrijving Tech Your Future. Projectwebsite www.techyourfuture.nl/a-577/21ste-eeuwse-vaardigheden-in-mbo-techniekonderwijs-eenhigh- tech-benadering
Brinksma Innovation Grant (2020) https://www.utwente.nl/nieuws/2020/8/753595/brinksma-innovation-grant-big-voor-judith-ter-vrugte-bms