UTFaculteitenBMSDept HIBOnderzoekscentrum WetenschapscommunicatieVoltooide projectenENJOI: Engagement and journalism innovation for outstanding open science communication

ENJOI: Engagement and journalism innovation for outstanding open science communication

ENJOI: Engagement and Journalism Innovation for Outstanding Open Science Communication

Funded by the EU Horizon Europe programme (No 101006407, 2021-2023), in ENJOI criteria for quality of science journalism and science communication were co-created in Engagement Workshops, Labs, field and participatory research. Studies, under leadership of dr. Anne M.  Dijkstra, and with PhD student Anouk de Jong, analysed the science-media relationship contributing to better understanding both the science journalism and the researchers' perspective. The project continues via the EU funded the COALESCE project which establishes a European Competence Centre for Science Communication and an associated Science Communication Academy.

Website: https://enjoiscicomm.eu/
Contact: a.m.dijkstra@utwente.nl