Bachelor assignments theme 5: Psychophysiological recovery and well-being

Body image and self-compassion after breast cancer

Theme: Psychophysiological recovery and well-being

Type of research: mixed-method


Breast cancer impacts the women’s body. For example because the breast has been removed, or because the appearance and feel of the breasts are different than before diagnosis. Also sexual functioning can be impaired, or women experience sexuality and intimacy differently than before they were diagnosed. These changes may impact women’s body image: the mental representation of the body and related emotions.  For example, women may perceive their body as a source of danger and fear or perceive themselves as unattractive. A compassionate attitude towards the body may help to gain a more positive body image, by promoting kindness and care towards the body and acknowledgement of suffering, instead of self-judgment. Insight in the relationship between women’s body image, self-compassion and mental and sexual wellbeing, may reveal opportunities to improve aftercare after breast cancer.

The assignment is flexible and open for students to develop their own research questions. The assignment may involve conducting a quantitative survey using scales or conducting interviews among women with and/or without a history of breast cancer.